Berry Bliss Popsicles Recipe-Philosophie

Berry Bliss Popsicles Recipe

It’s warming up here in LA and we’re getting ready for all the BBQs + pool parties galore. The boys and I love making these popsicles together. They help keep us cool, especially on those hot summer days.

It’s so EASY to make your own popsicles at home and you can make it a fun family activity. We used popsicles molds we found on Amazon and Mott's Sensibles as a base. My favorite thing about this summer treat is that I can sneak in Philosophie superfoods and nutrients so I trust them way more than the ones found in the freezer section. Plus, the kids love them so much more because they get to play a part in making them and they just taste better. Trust me.

Be sure to bring these to your 4th of July celebrations! They’ll be a hit.

Gather This:

1 cup Mott's Sensibles juice

1 tsp Berry Bliss Superfood + Protein Blend

1 tsp liquid chlorophyll

Organic berries and Green Bee Honey (for sweetness)

Do This:

Blend the juice and superfoods together. Pour mixture into popsicle molds and freeze. Serve on a platter for your next pool patter and finish with a drizzle of Green Bee Honey + a handful of your favorite berries. ENJOY!

How do you incorporate your superfoods + nutrients into your favorite poolside treats? Share with me on Instagram using #PhilosophieSuperfoods or #MakeEveryFoodASuperfood.


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