Tag: mindfulness

Post Partum C-Section Advice: Part 2-Exercise, Eating and Mindset

I wrote this post is to share with you a basic overview of what I did to lose ALL my baby weight in just 3 months!

Keep in mind that every body is different and unique. Listen to your body, the signs it sends you. The take home message for diet is to eat for nutrients, not to worry so much about calories. If you eat nutrient dense foods, you will be full and satiated for longer.

I'm not saying calories don't matter. They do. Calories in have to be less than calories out to lose weight. My point is that if you chose more nutrient-dense foods, your body will be more satiated and you won't have as many cravings or be as hungry.

Diet: what did I eat?


Here's what I do as far as eating goes. The proof is in the raw-pudding! Remember that when you're breastfeeding, you need to get at least 500 extra calories per day to support your milk production and the health of your baby. Don't worry, you burn it during breast feeding! (about 500 calories/day) The rule of thumb when you're eating is to think about NUTRIENTS not just energy/calories. Ask yourself what NUTRIENTS are in your meal, not just putting empty calories into your body. For example, when reaching for a snack, don't eat 5 rice crackers because they are low in calories, eat an apple and a handful of almonds because then you're getting vitamins, fiber, protein and good fats. (and you'll stay fuller longer!)

Some bullet points of what I've been doing in any given day:

*Every day I get some raw juice or smoothie. 4-5 days a week I get a green vegetable juice, and every single day I make a Super-Mommy-Power smoothie. I also have 1-2 coconut waters per day-I feel so dehydrated from breastfeeding that coconut water is really the only thing that quenches that thirst.

Here's a recipe I make variations of just about every day:

Super-Mommy-Power Smoothie

  • 1 Cup Almond, Rice or Hemp Milk/Coconut Water
  • 2 teaspoons maca (excellent for energy and to balance crazy mommy hormones!)
  • 1 tablespoon cacao powder (chocolate in it's most raw form, super high in antioxidants!)
  • 1 tablespoon coconut butter or almond butter (both have GOOD fats and are good for skin, nails, etc)
  • 1 tablespoon coconut oil (speeds up metabolism) or flax oil (omega-3)
  • 1 scoop raw protein powder (keeps me full for longer, no soy or whey)
  • 1 banana (tip: after bananas get ripe, put them in Tupperware or a Ziploc in the freezer for easy smoothie access!)
  • 2 teaspoons spirulina (blue-green algae, great for iron and protein)
  • 1 tablespoon agave or 2 drops of chocolate stevia
  • 1 handful of ice
  • top with goji berries and granola! (this smoothie also satisfies my cravings for sugar and  chocolate... only this is all the right stuff!)

*once or twice a week I get animal protein. Free range, Hormone-Free, Organic steak or fish. I'm not much of a chicken/turkey person but I learned to really like steak during my pregnancy. I've always loved fish. I add greens and veggies to every meal. Make sure you get double the veggies vs quantity of protein. We eat sushi A LOT, but make sure if you're going this route that you don't just get rolls-lots of white rice/empty calories. Try and get some sushi or sashimi so you get more protein and less rice. Use the green lid soy sauce (lower in sodium) and don't use a lot of that either! you only need a little bit, especially if the fish is fresh! I also always get a seaweed salad which is excellent for digestion, iron and calcium.

[caption id="attachment_1641" align="alignleft" width="227" caption="sprout salad with veggie buger"][/caption]

*I eat a huge spinach or mixed green salad for lunch almost every day-lots of sprouted seeds, nuts and beans to get as much protein as possible. I add a veggie burger to the salad also and use lots of flax oil and/or olive oil for the good fats. (tip: good fats get rid of bad fats, we NEED good fats for our brain and body functioning!)

*I always have snacks with me in the diaper bag or in my purse, I usually snack on 1 protein bar every day and some type of trail mix I make. My favorite blend is a trail mix with: cashews, goji berries, dark chocolate covered cacao nibs, soaked almonds, sprouted pumpkin seeds, sprouted sunflowers seeds.

I found during these months that I would get FAMISHED If i didn't eat every 2-3 hours. If I waited more than 3 I thought I would die. DON'T get to this point! You are exerting so much energy taking care of the baby, nursing, etc... never mind if you get an exercise in TOO! Besides, when you let your blood sugar drop this low it does crazy things to your metabolism and your body goes into starvation-fat-protection mode, aka something you don't want.


The first 2 weeks I was very gentle with my body and focused on bonding with my baby.I was eating very healthy and nourishing foods and was wiped out from the surgery.

The 3rd and 4th week I got to WORK! I worked with a friend of mine who's also a personal trainer twice a week to start building strength, but mostly to build my confidence. I was scared at first to do anything ab related (since I had a c-section) but he quickly and safely helped conquer this fear as well.

Each session I felt stronger and stronger. We mostly used resistance bands or exercises using my own body weight (like plank, pushups, yoga) so you don't need a gym to lose weight! Here's a great workout you can do at home in place of the training session I did.

Some people don't think exercise makes a difference. What I know is that I feel better when I exercise than when I don't, and I'm more mindful of the food I'm putting into my body when I do. Also, when you look at the calories in vs calories out rule, it means you have more wiggle room in the calories in.  Works for me!

Here's what my work-out/exercise schedule basically looked like:

Monday-walk outside with baby/hubby/doggy for 30 minutes, baby squats and baby abs (see pics below) for 10 minutes

Tuesday-30-45 min with my trainer, Trent (resistance bands, kettlebells, light weights, light cardio, ab work)

Wednesday- Yoga class 60-90 minutes

Thursday- 30-45 min with my trainer, Trent (resistance bands, kettlebells, light weights, light cardio, ab work)

Friday- off day, maybe some baby exercises while holding him and/or some stretching/yoga while watching tv

Saturday-walk outside with baby/hubby/doggy for 30 minutes, baby squats and baby abs for 10 minutes -or- Yoga class

Sunday-walk outside with baby/hubby/doggy for 30 minutes, baby squats and baby abs for 10 minutes

[caption id="attachment_1618" align="alignleft" width="300" caption="baby sit ups!"][/caption]

On the days I'd walk outside with Kai in the stroller I usually took the dog too. Sometimes my hubby would join. But those were days I set out with an intention to be out for 30 minutes for exercise, so I'd walk a little faster than a normal walk. On other days I still would walk the dog but I didn't count it as exercise.

I also didn't count walking around in general, carrying the car seat everywhere, carrying 3 bags around plus baby, cleaning, standing, etc. I considered all of this stuff bonus, plus it speeds up your metabolism to be active.

It's been so much fun using Kai in my exercises, especially because he LOVES IT! (see pics and video to come!)

I've now lost ALL MY BABY WEIGHT, and it took 3 months! This is definitely something I wanted to share with you, since many moms are nervous it will take them a whole year to lose their weight. Some people say "give it a year, they were in your body for 9 months it should take that long to lose it." I don't agree. I definitely worked hard, but in my opinion, if you worked half as hard as I did you should lose your baby weight in 6 months, tops. I think a huge factor in my ability to jump back into a workout routine was that I exercised up until the last possible second in pregnancy, so my "off time" was only about 4-5 weeks total, not 9 months. If you ARE pregnant, check out my article about pregnancy and exercise. Thanks for reading and GOOD LUCK! let me know how it goes, share your stories with me!




Mindful Eating: Bringing Yogic Philosophy to Your Food

As a yoga teacher and lover of all things yogi, I attempt to bring this mentality to everything. I'm also a certified raw food chef and create amazing cleanse experiences for my clients and host raw uncooking classes, continuing this mindful practice in all areas of my life.


  • *Eat your main meal before 2p and don't eat anything after 7p. this will allow your body to digest the food more fully. Try to eat at the same time every day.
  • *Chew your food slowly and with reverence.
  • *Eat organic, fresh foods as often as possible.
  • *Prepare your own food, using your hands as much as possible instead of spoons, mixers, or processors. Think of cooking as a meditation practice. then eat with your hands as well, making the connection between your hands and you belly. (Ethiopian Cuisine is a great idea for group get together's!)
  • *Don't cook or eat when you feel agitated or distracted. You infuse the foods you prepare with your energy and emotions. Cooking with loving attention brings joy to those who eat your food.
  • *Always say a prayer of gratitude before you eat. (or just acknowledge the foods beauty and how luck you are to eat it!)
  • *Stop eating before you're full. Yogis fill their bellies only two-thirds full: one-third with food and one-third with liquid. The remaining third should stay empty to help the stomach digest properly.
  • *Take a walk after eating; don't go to bed right after a meal.

A sadhana is a type of mindfulness practice, a way of fully participating in something. Yogis believe everything has its own sadhana, including eating and cooking (or 'uncooking'!). Here are some suggestions to get the most out of the food you eat and to promote optimal digestion.

"there are some people who eat an orage but don't really eat it. They eat their sorrow, fear, anger, past, and future. They are not really present, with body and mind united." -Thich Nhat Hanh

Post Partum C-Section Advice: Part 2-Exercise, Eating and Mindset

I wrote this post is to share with you a basic overview of what I did to lose ALL my baby weight in just 3 months!

Keep in mind that every body is different and unique. Listen to your body, the signs it sends you. The take home message for diet is to eat for nutrients, not to worry so much about calories. If you eat nutrient dense foods, you will be full and satiated for longer

I'm not saying calories don't matter. They do. Calories in have to be less than calories out to lose weight. My point is that if you chose more nutrient-dense foods, your body will be more satiated and you won't have as many cravings or be as hungry.

Diet: what did I eat?

[caption id="attachment_1634" align="alignleft" width="212" caption="lots of veggies!"][/caption]

Here's what I do as far as eating goes. The proof is in the raw-pudding! Remember that when you're breastfeeding, you need to get at least 500 extra calories per day to support your milk production and the health of your baby. Don't worry, you burn it during breast feeding! (about 500 calories/day) The rule of thumb when you're eating is to think about NUTRIENTS not just energy/calories. Ask yourself what NUTRIENTS are in your meal, not just putting empty calories into your body. For example, when reaching for a snack, don't eat 5 rice crackers because they are low in calories, eat an apple and a handful of almonds because then you're getting vitamins, fiber, protein and good fats. (and you'll stay fuller longer!)

Some bullet points of what I've been doing in any given day:

*Every day I get some raw juice or smoothie. 4-5 days a week I get a green vegetable juice, and every single day I make a Super-Mommy-Power smoothie. I also have 1-2 coconut waters per day-I feel so dehydrated from breastfeeding that coconut water is really the only thing that quenches that thirst.

Here's a recipe I make variations of just about every day:

Super-Mommy-Power Smoothie

  • 1 Cup Almond, Rice or Hemp Milk/Coconut Water
  • 2 teaspoons maca (excellent for energy and to balance crazy mommy hormones!)
  • 1 tablespoon cacao powder (chocolate in it's most raw form, super high in antioxidants!)
  • 1 tablespoon coconut butter or almond butter (both have GOOD fats and are good for skin, nails, etc)
  • 1 tablespoon coconut oil (speeds up metabolism) or flax oil (omega-3)
  • 1 scoop raw protein powder (keeps me full for longer, no soy or whey)
  • 1 banana (tip: after bananas get ripe, put them in Tupperware or a Ziploc in the freezer for easy smoothie access!)
  • 2 teaspoons spirulina (blue-green algae, great for iron and protein)
  • 1 tablespoon agave or 2 drops of chocolate stevia
  • 1 handful of ice
  • top with goji berries and granola! (this smoothie also satisfies my cravings for sugar and  chocolate... only this is all the right stuff!)

    *once or twice a week I get animal protein. Free range, Hormone-Free, Organic steak or fish. I'm not much of a chicken/turkey person but I learned to really like steak during my pregnancy. I've always loved fish. I add greens and veggies to every meal. Make sure you get double the veggies vs quantity of protein. We eat sushi A LOT, but make sure if you're going this route that you don't just get rolls-lots of white rice/empty calories. Try and get some sushi or sashimi so you get more protein and less rice. Use the green lid soy sauce (lower in sodium) and don't use a lot of that either! you only need a little bit, especially if the fish is fresh! I also always get a seaweed salad which is excellent for digestion, iron and calcium.

    [caption id="attachment_1641" align="alignleft" width="227" caption="sprout salad with veggie buger"][/caption]

    *I eat a huge spinach or mixed green salad for lunch almost every day-lots of sprouted seeds, nuts and beans to get as much protein as possible. I add a veggie burger to the salad also and use lots of flax oil and/or olive oil for the good fats. (tip: good fats get rid of bad fats, we NEED good fats for our brain and body functioning!)

    *I always have snacks with me in the diaper bag or in my purse, I usually snack on 1 protein bar every day and some type of trail mix I make. My favorite blend is a trail mix with: cashews, goji berries, dark chocolate covered cacao nibs, soaked almonds, sprouted pumpkin seeds, sprouted sunflowers seeds.

    I found during these months that I would get FAMISHED If i didn't eat every 2-3 hours. If I waited more than 3 I thought I would die. DON'T get to this point! You are exerting so much energy taking care of the baby, nursing, etc... never mind if you get an exercise in TOO! Besides, when you let your blood sugar drop this low it does crazy things to your metabolism and your body goes into starvation-fat-protection mode, aka something you don't want.


    The first 2 weeks I was very gentle with my body and focused on bonding with my baby.I was eating very healthy and nourishing foods and was wiped out from the surgery.

    The 3rd and 4th week I got to WORK! I worked with a friend of mine who's also a personal trainer twice a week to start building strength, but mostly to build my confidence. I was scared at first to do anything ab related (since I had a c-section) but he quickly and safely helped conquer this fear as well.

    Each session I felt stronger and stronger. We mostly used resistance bands or exercises using my own body weight (like plank, pushups, yoga) so you don't need a gym to lose weight! Here's a great workout you can do at home in place of the training session I did.

    Some people don't think exercise makes a difference. What I know is that I feel better when I exercise than when I don't, and I'm more mindful of the food I'm putting into my body when I do. Also, when you look at the calories in vs calories out rule, it means you have more wiggle room in the calories in.  Works for me!

    Here's what my work-out/exercise schedule basically looked like:

    Monday-walk outside with baby/hubby/doggy for 30 minutes, baby squats and baby abs (see pics below) for 10 minutes

    Tuesday-30-45 min with my trainer, Trent (resistance bands, kettlebells, light weights, light cardio, ab work)

    Wednesday- Yoga class 60-90 minutes

    Thursday- 30-45 min with my trainer, Trent (resistance bands, kettlebells, light weights, light cardio, ab work)

    Friday- off day, maybe some baby exercises while holding him and/or some stretching/yoga while watching tv

    Saturday-walk outside with baby/hubby/doggy for 30 minutes, baby squats and baby abs for 10 minutes -or- Yoga class

    Sunday-walk outside with baby/hubby/doggy for 30 minutes, baby squats and baby abs for 10 minutes

    [caption id="attachment_1618" align="alignleft" width="300" caption="baby sit ups!"][/caption]

    On the days I'd walk outside with Kai in the stroller I usually took the dog too. Sometimes my hubby would join. But those were days I set out with an intention to be out for 30 minutes for exercise, so I'd walk a little faster than a normal walk. On other days I still would walk the dog but I didn't count it as exercise.

    I also didn't count walking around in general, carrying the car seat everywhere, carrying 3 bags around plus baby, cleaning, standing, etc. I considered all of this stuff bonus, plus it speeds up your metabolism to be active.

    It's been so much fun using Kai in my exercises, especially because he LOVES IT! (see pics and video to come!)

    I've now lost ALL MY BABY WEIGHT, and it took 3 months! This

    [caption id="attachment_1629" align="alignleft" width="300" caption="3 months post-pregnancy"][/caption]

    is definitely something I wanted to share with you, since many moms are nervous it will take them a whole year to lose their weight. Some people say "give it a year, they were in your body for 9 months it should take that long to lose it." I don't agree. I definitely worked hard, but in my opinion, if you worked half as hard as I did you should lose your baby weight in 6 months, tops. I think a huge factor in my ability to jump back into a workout routine was that I exercised up until the last possible second in pregnancy, so my "off time" was only about 4-5 weeks total, not 9 months. If you ARE pregnant, check out my article about pregnancy and exercise. Thanks for reading and GOOD LUCK! let me know how it goes, share your stories with me!



    CNN Video: mega athlete on the plant based diet

    This is an awesome video about this athletes story- huge healthy shift: eating a plant based diet.

    Plant based diet is when a person gets the majority of their nutrients from plants (fruit, vegetables, seeds, nuts, crops)

    Look at how great he looks, feels and how energetic he is! This is how I feel every day (when I eat mindfully). When I eat too many meat/dairy products, I feel weighed down and lethargic. It's so important to notice how you feel and react to different foods! Every person is unique and there's a perfect balance for each of us. It's your job to start to tune in and really listen to what your body needs and DOESN'T need!

    Here's the video:


    let me know your thoughts! :)

    CNN Video: mega athlete on the plant based diet

    This is an awesome video about this athletes story- huge healthy shift: eating a plant based diet.

    Plant based diet is when a person gets the majority of their nutrients from plants (fruit, vegetables, seeds, nuts, crops)

    Look at how great he looks, feels and how energetic he is! This is how I feel every day (when I eat mindfully). When I eat too many meat/dairy products, I feel weighed down and lethargic. It's so important to notice how you feel and react to different foods! Every person is unique and there's a perfect balance for each of us. It's your job to start to tune in and really listen to what your body needs and DOESN'T need!

    Here's the video:


    let me know your thoughts! :)

    Yoga and Mindful Eating

    Regular yoga practice is associated with mindful eating, and people who eat mindfully are less likely to be obese, according to a recent study led by researchers at Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center.

    First of all, what is "mindful eating"?

    The Center For Mindful Eating says that mindful eating has several components, including:

    *learning to make choices in beginning or ending a meal based on awareness of hunger and satiety cues;

    *learning to identify personal triggers for mindless eating, such as emotions, social pressures, or certain foods;

    *valuing quality over quantity of what you’re eating;

    *appreciating the sensual, as well as the nourishing, capacity of food;

    *feeling deep gratitude that may come from appreciating and experiencing food

    The study, which was a follow-up on an earlier study that revealed middle-age gained less weight when practicing yoga over a 10-year period than those who did not, confirms that the increased awareness that yoga practitioners often experience may play a bigger role in weight management than the yoga asanas themselves.

    "The researchers found that people who ate mindfully - those were aware of why they ate and stopped eating when full - weighed less than those who ate mindlessly, who ate when not hungry or in response to anxiety or depression," states a press release from the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center released August 3. "The researchers also found a strong association between yoga practice and mindful eating but found no association between other types of physical activity, such as walking or running, and mindful eating." Click here to read the whole report.


    Yoga helps people be more aware of their actions, which helps them better gauge how much food they need and control weight. That sounds about right to me. Anyone else?

    Archives from 2018