The season of spring is a beautiful time to refresh your diet and routine. All around us the world is waking up from the rest & restoration of winter. This season, embrace a mindset of cleansing and resetting your body, mind & energy which can all start with the foods you eat and your daily habits & routines. This is the time of the year to cleanse, simplify, and return to the foods & habits that make you glow from within all year long.
Spring is a perfect time to support the natural detoxification happening within your body and nourish your beauty from the inside out with spring beauty foods. During the winter, we enjoy warm, cooked meals but spring is a time to eat colorful, crisp & green beauty foods like leafy greens.
The shift in seasons is also a great opportunity to go on a mind and body reset. You can join us at Philosophie in picking up either our 5 Day Reset, 10 Day Refuel or 14 Day Rejuvenation reset guides. A reset with your health and nutrition offers space to detox and heal your body.
Wild arugula is foraged in spring and fall. It’s a cool-weather crop that is full of antioxidants, helps with digestion, is good for your skin and is a great detoxifier.
Leafy Greens
Green nourishes the skin with powerful vitamins for a youthful and vibrant glow. Dark green vegetables are also high in fat-soluble vitamins such as vitamins A, K, D, and E.
This herb doesn’t get enough credit for its healing properties. Mint contains an antioxidant that may relieve seasonal allergies and can also soothe an upset stomach.
There’s nothing better than enjoying strawberries in their peak season from late spring to early summer. It’s highly-antioxidant and can balance blood sugar, support immunity, boost healthy cell renewal, and many other benefits.
Fantastic for detox support. It's also low in calories and packed with essential vitamins and antioxidants. It’s also a great source of fiber, promoting strong digestive health. It’s affordable, easy to prepare and a yummy, high-vibe addition to any dish!
There are so many other beautiful ways to open and welcome this revitalizing season of transformation + growth.
Set Intentions by asking what you want to create in this new season. Envision the opportunities and magic you want to manifest and invite them to unfold.
Release old energy and anything that is no longer bringing light, joy, and radiant energy into your life. Spring's a wonderful time to recognize a mindset, habit, or relationship that is no longer serving you and to let it go.
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