Tag: alkaline

Superfoods: what are they and what are the health benefits?

What are superfoods?

Superfood is a term sometimes used to describe food with high phytonutrient content that may provide health benefits as a result. For example, blueberries are often considered a superfood (or superfruit) because they contain significant amounts of antioxidants,, vitamin C, manganese, and dietary fiber. You don't need specific foods for specific ailments. A healthy diet incorporating a variety of the following superfoods will help you maintain your weight, fight disease, and live longer. One thing they all have in common: Every superfood is going to be a 'real' (unprocessed) food, you don't find fortified potato chips in the superfood category.

How can I use and incorporate superfoods in my daily life?

if you click on the words above I offer other posts I've written with more info about the wonderful superfoods and also a few recipes to use them in!

 All of my superfood blends have all the best superfoods in one place. No need to purchase them all separately, just buy one bag instead of 8! 

Cacao Magic superfood blend has raw Cacao powder, raw cacao nibs, tocos (vit E for hair, skin, nails) chia seeds (good fats to burn bad fat), maca (balances mood), reishi (chinese immunity herb), cordyceps (chinese herb for weightloss) and chaga (energizing herb with no caffeine)

The Green Dream superfoods have chia seeds, maca, mesquite (high in iron), tocos, spirulina, hemp powder and fresh vanilla bean. 

Our Berry Bliss superfood blend has camu camu (top antioxidant food in the world), pomegranate, acai (combats stress), goji (prevents heart disease) organic whey protein (recovery & rejuvenation-very clean protein source) tocos (improves digestion, glowing skin & strong nails from Vitamin E) camu camu (immunity) and mangosteen (antibiotic & anti-fungal)



the Yummiest Superfood Yet ... Dark Chocolate

Research has shown that dark chocolate is packed with antioxidants and can lower blood pressure. It's recommended that you look for chocolate with 60% or higher cocoa content; the darker, the better! In addition, the darker it is, the lower the fat and sugar content. Now that's my kind of health food!

here are two recipes using dark chocolate/cacao (chocolate in it's most raw form):

1. Peppermint Patty Recipe

2. Delicious Chocolate Cake

and Here's an awesome breakfast I've been making lately--super filling and superfood rich!


Superfood Oats


  • 1 C Steelcut oats (follow instructions on the box)
  • 2 T Cacao Magic blend
  • 1 T goji berries (see pic below)
  • 1/2 Organic Canned Pumpkin
  • 1 t coconut oil (i like Garden of Life brand)
  • 2 T almond butter (i get Trader Joes brand, raw & creamy)
  • 1 T Agave or Raw Honey (i buy from our local farmers market) or Stevia if watching sugar
  • Cinnamon to taste
  • fresh berries for topping (like raspberries, blueberries, strawberries)

1. follow instructions on box for cooking steelcut oats. (can also use quinoa or instant low-sugar oats)

2. The last minute or so, add the pumpkin, almond butter, goji berries and cinnamon. Stir all ingredients until mixed.

3. Remove oats from heat. Mix the coconut oil, cacao powder and agave/honey/sweetener in the bowl you'll be using and mix well with a spoon until it forms a chocolate sauce. Pour oats in bowl. Add fresh berries. Enjoy!

*double/triple the amount so you can save in containers for easy power-breakfasts in the next few days!

Maca - Immune boosting adaptogen that increases energy, sexual drive, and stamina.

maca-rootMaca is a plant with a radish-like root that is used as a food and for medicinal purposes. Although maca is unrelated to the ginseng family, it has been dubbed "Peruvian ginseng" because it is used as a folk remedy to increase stamina, energy, and sexual drive.

Maca improves both male and female hormone balance, supports the adrenals, increases stamina, helps with erectile dysfunction and increases sex-drive and fertility! I would start with a teaspoon a day in a smoothie and increase up to 4 teaspoons a day. Read on to read more details!!

Maca-an Adaptogen

In the 1930s, Russian scientists studying plant medicine coined the term adaptogen to refer to a plant that promoted non specific benefits to an organism while inducing NO negative side effects.

An adaptogen is a substance which raises the non-specific resistance in an organism. Adaptogens enable the body to enhance its power of resistance and adapt to external conditions. They work with the body's natural rhythms to help rebuild weak immune systems, re-mineralize poorly nourished bodies, and increase energy and endurance.

The endocrine system is a collection of glands that produce chemical "messengers" called hormones essential for normal bodily functions. A wide variety of physiological processes are carried out unconsciously by these "messengers". Once released they flow directly into the bloodstream and are transported to organs and tissues throughout the entire body.

Scientists and doctors are now finding maca to be one of the best natural ways to regulate and support endocrine health. This action regulates metabolism, energy levels, growth, sexual development and the sense of well being and attitude.

Thankfully, maca does not contain hormones itself. Instead it provides a unique set of nutrients that directly fuel the endocrine system and help the glands to produce vital hormones in precise dosages predetermined by one's own body.

Sexual drive and fertility

According to folklore, ancient Incan warriors took maca before going off to battle to make them physically strong. However, they were later prohibited from taking it, in order to protect conquered women from their heightened libidos.

One study looked at the effect of 4 months treatment with maca tablets on semen quality in nine adult men. Treatment with maca resulted in increased seminal volume, sperm count, and sperm motility. A 12-week randomized controlled trial looked at 1,500 mg maca, 3,000 mg maca, or placebo. After 8 weeks, there was an improvement in sexual desire in the men taking maca.

So why does maca feel so good?

Personally, because I eat a primarily vegan diet, my body is somewhat low in iron and B vitamins. Although I eat as many plant based foods that contain iron and B vitamins, sometimes I need to take an iron and B vitamin supplement. I find that the days I have maca I don't need to supplement with the vitamins (OR COFFEE!)  because my body feels nourished. As an adaptogen, maca works broadly to contribute to overall well being. It nourishes and calms the nerves with calcium, phosphorus, vitamins B1 and B12 , and fatty acids, all of which work beneficially on the nervous system.

I would experiment, just like any other superfood or food, and try it each day for a few weeks and see how you feel. In my experience with maca, the best way to tell if it's affecting you is to take it away after some time.

Maca comes in pill form or is ground into powder. I include maca powder in many of my own smoothies, and in those of my clients when they are doing a cleanse or raw-life experience.

*I would avoid maca if you are on birth control.

Here's a video that includes some info about maca AND a recipe to use it in! (you can add it to anything, start with 1 tsp and work your way up!)

Fresh Fruit and Vegetable Juices-what's the health benefit?

Other than the fact that juices can take an enormous amount of fruit and vegetables--an entire counter-full(!)--and be consolidated into one beautiful glass, they have incredible health benefits as well.

If you're curious about drinking a fresh juice, go to a juice bar and pick up one of the below combination's! If you're ready to commit, buy your own juicer and get your own produce from the farmers market. Always make sure to get as many items as you can organic.

You should have at least one fresh juice a day to maintain the proper nutrients and vitamins your body needs and craves. If your body begins running slower or you eat badly for a period of time, juicing can help cleanse the system very quickly. Just replace a few snacks and meals with a juice and in no time you'll be feeling great again.

Here's just a few of the powerful combination's, full of health advantages:

  • Carrot, Ginger & Apple: Boosts and cleanses our entire system
  • (green) Apple, Cucumber & Celery: Prevent cancer, reduces cholesterol, and eliminates stomach upset and headaches.
  • Cucumber, Celery, Spinach, Kale, Parsley, Lime: alkaline entire system, cleanse and detoxify organs
  • Tomato, Carrot & Apple: Improves skin complexion and eliminates bad breath.
  • Orange, Ginger & Cucumber: Improves skin texture, moisture and reduces internal body heat.
  • Pineapple, Watermelon & Apple: To dispel excess salts, nourishes the bladder and kidneys.
  • Apple, Cucumber & Kiwi: To improve skin complexion.
  • Carrot, Apple, Pear & Mango: Clear body heat, counteracts toxicity, decreased blood pressure and fight oxidation.
  • Papaya, Pineapple and Milk/Almond Milk: Rich in vitamin C, E and Iron. Improves skin complexion and metabolism.

Once you start exploring on your own, share your favorite combination's and recipes here!!! Have a BEAUTIFUL, HEALTHY DAY!!! :)

Fresh Fruit and Vegetable Juices-what's the health benefit?

Other than the fact that juices can take an enormous amount of fruit and vegetables--an entire counter-full(!)--and be consolidated into one beautiful glass, they have incredible health benefits as well. 

If you're curious about drinking a fresh juice, go to a juice bar and pick up one of the below combination's! If you're ready to commit, buy your own juicer and get your own produce from the farmers market. Always make sure to get as many items as you can organic.

You should have at least one fresh juice a day to maintain the proper nutrients and vitamins your body needs and craves. If your body begins running slower or you eat badly for a period of time, juicing can help cleanse the system very quickly. Just replace a few snacks and meals with a juice and in no time you'll be feeling great again.

Here's just a few of the powerful combination's, full of health advantages:

  • Carrot, Ginger & Apple: Boosts and cleanses our entire system
  • (green) Apple, Cucumber & Celery: Prevent cancer, reduces cholesterol, and eliminates stomach upset and headaches.
  • Cucumber, Celery, Spinach, Kale, Parsley, Lime: alkaline entire system, cleanse and detoxify organs
  • Tomato, Carrot & Apple: Improves skin complexion and eliminates bad breath.
  • Orange, Ginger & Cucumber: Improves skin texture, moisture and reduces internal body heat.
  • Pineapple, Watermelon & Apple: To dispel excess salts, nourishes the bladder and kidneys.
  • Apple, Cucumber & Kiwi: To improve skin complexion.
  • Carrot, Apple, Pear & Mango: Clear body heat, counteracts toxicity, decreased blood pressure and fight oxidation.
  • Papaya, Pineapple and Milk/Almond Milk: Rich in vitamin C, E and Iron. Improves skin complexion and metabolism.

Once you start exploring on your own, share your favorite combination's and recipes here!!! Have a BEAUTIFUL, HEALTHY DAY!!! :)

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