The Benefits of Corpse Pose

The Benefits of Corpse Pose

While you may think of corpse pose as the least physically challenging asana with the creepy name, it possesses INCREDIBLE benefits + truly celebrates the SPIRIT of yoga.

Read on for why I love this final resting pose: 

Relaxes + Relieves Stress 

You may collapse onto the couch to fire up Netflix and at some point you'll lie down to go to bed, but unlike either of these, corpse pose allows for a state of COMPLETE relaxation. In this asana, you can surrender to the moment without distractions or fatigue from a long day, thereby releasing stress, lowering blood pressure, and warding off insomnia. 

Brings Focus to Your Breath  

While flowing through your poses, it can be hard to focus solely on your breath. It's so easy for your mind to wander about and bounce from thought to thought: Should I be extending my arm a little more? Did I remember to buy tomatoes for dinner? My muscles are killing me—when is she going to tell us to stop holding this pose? But in savasana, our eyes are closed, our muscles and joints relaxed, our minds more still. It's so much easier to let those thoughts drift away and just BE, just BREATHE.  

Beautifully Closes Your Practice 

Frame your yoga practice as a RITUAL with a beginning, middle, and an end. To open your practice, you clear your mind of your day and life, bringing your awareness to your space and setting your intentions. Then comes the practice itself, where you stretch, flow, sweat, leap, + MOVE to the pace of your breath. And then, instead of abruptly ending your practice, you complete it by entering savasana, an amazing, mediative state of REJUVENATION and rest—a time to absorb your practice and the positive energy + magic you created within it. 

To Do Corpse Pose: 

Start lying flat on your back. Then tuck your pelvis in, scoop your tailbone up toward the sky, and draw the navel down to create length in the spine. Let the ams rest on the earth, allowing the palms to face up or place them on your heart and belly. Gently press into the arms and the head to slightly lift the chest off the ground, while drawing the shoulder blades together and down. Inhale to open the heart and expand the chest, then exhale to rest back into the earth. Relax everything from your toes to your fingertips, and allow the tongue to fall away from the roof of the mouth. Take a deep breath in, and on each exhale, completely let go. Surrender to the moment, quiet the mind, and embrace the beautiful peace of the pose.

Why do you love corpse pose? Share your thoughts with us on Twitter with #myphilosophie! 

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