People often think an intention or resolution has to be a giant life change, but we believe in keeping things simple and setting attainable goals. Let’s start to think of this time as another opportunity to check in with ourselves and manifest our dream lives–one small, loving step at a time.
What did we accomplish last year? How did we feel defeated? What did we LEARN about ourselves? What do we want to take into the next chapter, and what do we want to leave behind?
Let this year be all about you and your authentic self. The very best YOU can be.
If you need a little inspiration for your health and wellbeing this year, we have you covered. We’re sharing 7 health goal examples to motivate you but your health is all about YOU. Find what works for you. Take the habits you’re doing already and ADD to them to more align with how you want to feel in life. Do the things that feel GOOD to you.
Swapping out sugary, caffeinated, or alcoholic drinks for water is a great first step to better health. Elevate your water with Liquid Chlorophyll Sunshine Drops for better digestion, more energy and detoxification.
Sleep is SO important to our mind, body and soul and deep, restorative sleep should be an absolute non-negotiable but often gets pushed to the back of your mind. Sleep is connected to so much in our body including our eating habits. Studies have shown that those who are well-rested have better portion control and will select healthier food options than those who are sleep-deprived! READ THIS POST for our tips to better sleep!
Clutter in your physical space can create clutter in your mind, making you unable to concentrate on the things that actually matter in the present moment instead you’re focusing on the chores that need to be done, the work piling up or that box downstairs that was yet to be put away. Magic happens as you clear out the clutter that has been weighing you down mentally, physically and emotionally.
Make sure to put yourself first by practicing self-care. Doing so allows you to take intentional time away from stress so you can be more resilient when you’re facing challenges. Know what your boundaries are and set functional limits in order to operate at capacity in all of the areas of your life.
Listen to your body instead of all the nutrition noise because you can. Why let your power go to the diet industry when you are lucky enough to be able to give your body what it is truly craving on a spiritual and cellular level? READ THIS POST for our tips on clean eating and attaining more nourishment.
Putting away your phone or laptop isn’t just good for your mental health, it’s good for your physical health as well. Download our Digital Detox Guide with tips for your own digital detox including a letter from Sophie Jaffe, a meditation ritual, and 5-minute check-in practice.
Being able to embrace yourself will help you become stronger. Our #1 secret to aging gracefully? SUPERFOODS, of course! Beauty starts within and when you load your body up with nutrient-dense, high-vibrational SUPER foods, your body just loves them. Our superfood blends contain highly potent ingredients like reishi, spirulina, goji berry and collagen to support longevity, skin elasticity, and vitality.
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