Loving by the Moon

Loving by the Moon

By Sarah Elizabeth Colburn 


Vision and Intent

A little over a year ago, I made myself a vision board and one of the phrases that I glued down was “love by the moon.” I was at a place of intense longing for growth and joy in my life and knew that I needed to get in balance. Little did I know how powerful that desire/manifestation would prove to be in my day-to-day life. The practice and process of aligning myself with the rhythmic cycles of the universe has been a potent medicine for my soul.

To some it may seem impractical, intangible, and a maybe even a bit loony. But to those of us who are embracing the utter and complete transformation that the Aquarian age has brought to our world, becoming aware of the cycles of the moon and how they affect us personally and societally is just another small step on the path to wholeness and connection to our higher selves.

Aware of the Cycles

The moon cycles from new to full to new again every 29.5 days. It is continuously orbiting around the earth, and as it moves, its appearance changes and gives us an indication of where it is in its lunar cycle. The moon affects the strength and length of the tides in the ocean with the effect that its cycle has on gravitational pull. Ecologists have studied the amazing power that the lunar cycle has on the behavior of animals in the wild. Throughout history, cultures around the world have organized journeys, hunts, and battles around the stage of the moon. If the cycles of the moon can affect the beasts of the planet and the rise and swell of the sea, can it really be that far-fetched that those cycles also have an influence on the way that we feel and move about in this world?

New Moon Beginnings

It is said that a new moon is one of the most powerful times of the month to start new projects, set new goals, and move forward in our journeys. A Chinese Qigong healer wrote me a prescription once that said, “On the day or night of the new moon, write down 10 desires/goals/manifestations that you want to see in your life, and at the end of each statement, write ‘or something better.’”

I look back at my lists from the last year and see the manifestations that have occurred because I have intentionally written them down and followed through with faith in action. The energy of new beginnings and fresh starts is with us at this stage in the cycle. Notice the lightness that you may feel and the expansive feeling that is present in the people and situations around you at this time.

Full Moon Manifestations

As I have been learning to love by the moon, I have also realized the power, potency and sometimes chaotic nature of the energy in my life and in the world around me leading up to and on the day of the full moon. When the moon is full, it is a good time to slow down, really check in with yourself and see how you’re doing.

Is there change that needs to happen in your life, change that you are postponing or denying? Are there some people, memories, pain that you need to let go of?

A great ritual for a full moon is to have a fire underneath the full moon (or light candles) and burn a stick that represents your past or something you are ready to release into the universe. You could also burn words on paper that symbolize what you are ready to release from your consciousness.

A Shift in Perception

Slowly but surely, your body and mind will attune to the consistent and reliable cycles of the moon. All you have to do is make yourself aware and create a meaningful ritual for you to honor the cycle of the moon. It can be small, simple, personal. There is something to be said for adopting rituals according to what’s going on in the atmosphere surrounding us.

We consciously step outside to basque in the light of the moon, in awe of its beauty and simplicity. We take a moment to step outside of ourselves and remember that we are intricately connected with the tides, wildlife, other humans, and our solar system.

Simply knowing whether the moon is waxing or waning, we situate ourselves in time and space, and without fail, our life situations, challenges, and worries get smaller, and we are able to laugh at ourselves, lighten up, and find a little bit more joy no matter what our circumstances may be.


What new projects or positive changes are you going to embark upon with the new moon? Share them with us on Facebook and tag #newmoon and #myphilosophie!

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