Tag: cleanse

Week 2 :: Udaya + Philosophie Detox Yoga Challenge

Philosophie + Udaya Yoga Detox Challenge

One of the best ways to ensure that you meet a goal is to make it a community effort, which is why our Udaya + Philosophie: Yoga Detox Challenge is such an excellent way to make sure you cruise into the new season looking and feeling amazing! Join the Philosophie + Udaya community on this challenge at any time by sharing your photos and words about your experience on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram!

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Fall Equinox Cleanse

Philsophie Fall Equinox Cleanse

The Philosophie is having a HUGE sale on all of our cleanses, so if you've been considering trying one out, now is definitely the time! We have a variety of programs to suit everyone from regular cleansers to novices. Check out our options along with our helpful tips on how to receive the most profound benefits from your cleanse!

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Great Q+A from today's email


We got a great question from Angela today via email.  She wants to transition her young daughter from processed foods to more healthy options, and was looking for some tips.  

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5 ways to curb your appetite from Philosophie Mama

Here are 5 helpful ways to curb your appetite when you're not actually needing to eat. We eat for lots of different reasons, typically it's not even for HUNGER itself! Use these tips to stay fuller + satiated throughout the day so you aren't constantly eating or wanting to eat! 


1. Eat more protein! 

Protein (+ getting enough nutrients into your body) is the number one thing that will help you feel full + satisfied throughout the day. Try to eat a good bit of protein throughout the day to curb snacking + hunger in the evening. Add Green Dream, Cacao Magic or Berry Bliss to every smoothie, soup, oatmeal, yogurt, etc you make to add 10g of plant based, sprouted, raw protein per tablespoon. Easy! 


2. Go for a walk or do yoga

Go outside. Take the dog out. Take deep breaths in nature. Feel the cold wind on your skin. Stretch. Chill out... the food will always be there but really think about if you WANT it or if your body is just craving something habitual. Walk away and clear your head so you can refocus your energy. 

Philosophie mama doing yoga

3. Be Productive

It will feel good to do something you've been putting off for awhile. Often when we're feeling hungry or wanting to snack, we're either bored or trying to distract ourselves from what we should be doing! Consciously decide to shift your focus to something else. Finish that paper, write that letter, read the book, get it DONE! You'll feel so much more accomplished when you wake up feeling hungry instead of having a food hangover. 


4. Get enough ZZZ's

I can't say this one enough! It's so much harder to make healthy decisions when you're sleep deprived. Inadequate sleep is associated with decreased in the levels of the hormone leptin, leading to decreased satiety + increases in ghrelin, which in turn increases your appetite. 


5. Get more good fats 

Fats from seeds, nuts and fish are all good fats. Try and eat a good bit of these each day to feel full longer. I add coconut oil + almond butter to almost every smoothie I make + have a snack of nuts or seeds throughout the day with a fresh juice. And remember: Good fats get rid of bad fats! We like that! :)

philosophie mama good fats healthy

philosophie mama salad


LASTLY:Practice mindful eating

 Pay attention to how the foods you eat taste + feel.  Really taste your food, feel the texture + enjoy it.  By the time you are finished eating, you will have helped the brain get the message you have had enough food.  By focusing on what you’re eating, emotions such as boredom, anxiety, anger, frustration + stress will be less likely control how much you eat. I like to eat with my hands because it helps send a tactile messages to your brain that you are eating, even faster than your bloodstream gets the message! 

How do I transition after the Philosophie Cleanse is complete?

Hey loves! 


Often, I am asked how clients should eat AFTER they complete the cleanse. How and what should I eat? This video will help you on your journey! 


Let us know if you have any other questions whatsoever! Leave a comment on the video if you love it :) 

What to expect on the Philosophie Cleanse

here's a video of what to expect on the Philosophie Cleanse Experience (click on picture below!)




Philosophie homemade body + face scrub


mix all 4 ingredients.
gently rub it onto your skin in circular motion.
rinse thoroughly.


follow with our homemade detox soak formula! 


Cleansing and Yom Kippur Fast

No matter your "religion", you can't help but feel a shift in the air during this time of year. We are moving from summer to fall and with that comes the Virgo moon. We spend less time outdoors and in the sun absorbing energy, and more time indoors expending energy. We get to "work". In the fall there comes a giving back and turning inward, making changes and reflection on what is working and what just isn't. 

With the approaching Jewish holiday, Yom Kippur, comes a certain holy energy and experience for ALL of newness and reflection. Last week was Rosh Hashana which is translated literally as "head of the new year" and it always falls on the new moon. I love that the new year in Judaism is followed by the "days of awe" which are days of reflection and awareness until Yom Kippur. 

It's not a coincidence that I scheduled a cleanse to begin this week for Philosophie lovers...it's to work in complete synergy with the universal energy we are surrounded by. It really helps us to become more aware and introspective when we are fasting or cleansing the body. Every step we take we are aware of, every move we make is with intention. 

I saw Marianne Williamson speak on Monday evening, something I try to do often as a gift to myself. I feel so lucky that she speaks once a week 5 minutes away from where I live. She said that Rosh Hashana is the day "the books are written" and Yom Kippur is the day "the books are sealed". I thought this was such a beautiful, profound notion. 

Going Inward

Take out a piece of paper or a journal and go within yourself. Think about anyone you may want to forgive or connect with. Consider letting go of something or someone that isn't serving you any longer. As you free up the space from things that aren't serving you, you allow room for newness and a rebalancing of the best you possible. 

Be OPEN to anything! 

What to Expect During a Philosophie Cleanse

With the approaching season change from Summer to Autumn, it's especially important to physically, emotionally and spiritually shed the skin of the past few months and move into a new phase. A wonderful way to facilitate this change is to do a Philosophie cleanse. 


What can I expect during a Philosophie cleanse?

During the cleanse duration (either 5 days or 14 days) you can expect to experience a challenging first 2-3 days. Most of our Philosophie cleansers get headaches between days 1-3. Some only experience them for 1 day and then it goes away. Others may feel it in their body or feel overly lethargic as the toxins are moving out of the system. I call Day 3 the *Magic Day* because this is when you really feel an energetic and physical shift. You feel more energy, more excitement, more focus and notice your skin is glowing and your body feels overall much lighter. Clothes feel looser. If you can get past day 3, you will fly to through the rest.


What if I get hungry in between the meals and snacks on the cleanse menu?

No problem! This cleanse is NOT a fast. It's not a deprivation but instead, a SATURATION of nutrients. It's much more important to snack on foods from the cleanse (have another helping of soup/smoothie/salad or have an additional smoothie) rather than feel hungry. That's not the point. We encourage you to eat as much as you want to feel satisfied and to allow the body to recalibrate. By the 3rd day your body will be regulated and only crave what it's truly hungry for nutritionally. 


A few extra tips for the Philosophie Cleanse:

  • try and plan your cleanse when you don't have evening plans (i.e. dinner plans, social events)
  • if you do have social events, eat your Philosophie cleanse food/meal BEFORE going and BRING your snack of juice, smoothie or trail mix in your bag so you a can nosh while you're there. If there's a veggie platter or fresh fruit, you can snack on that, too!
  • Make sure you get EXTRA sleep. Go back to sleep in the morning if you have the ability to. Call in sick to work. Take a vacation day if you need it. Take a nap. Your body will be working extremely hard to cleanse the system, so be sure to nurture yourself. 
  • drink half your body weight in ounces EVERY day. This helps accelerate the cleansing process and speeds up the painful first few days ;) 
  • find a friend and do the cleanse together. If you live with someone else, have them do it too or give up something that's difficult for you to watch or be around. If your husband/girlfriend/mom won't do the cleanse with you, have them give up coffee and processed food and sugar for the duration of your cleanse. If you gather 3 friends to do the cleanse with you (co-workers, friends, family, neighbors) you not only get a really amazing discount but you can cook together, have get togethers, support each other!  
  • join the facebook Philosophie Cleanse group! email us for the invite. 
  • Journal. Stream of consciousness. Do art. anything to let whats going on inside come out. Although eating food appears to mostly be a physical act, it's actually very tied in to our emotional and psychology. Work through what's going on within your heart and mind. Let go of what isn't serving you to allow space for what WILL work. 

April Ab Challenge with Philosophie Mama!

Here's the April Ab Challenge! My husband and I were just doing it on our own and we've gotten so many questions and interested people that I decided to start to post about it and share the love!

I can't stress enough how important ones diet is in having flat abs. I'm asked all the time how my abs are so fit and flat and I can't say it enough times: watch what you eat. See how it affects your body. Change what doesn't feel right.

You could sit down and do thousands of situps and if you still eat unhealthy foods, you absolutely will not have a six-pack. I, be no means, have a six-pack but I am trying to take my fitness to the next level by fine-tuning my diet and focusing every single day on bringing energy to my core. I very rarely sit down and do ab exercises. Most of what I do is full body. I run, spin, jog, walk, stairs, cross-fit, insanity, yoga, Pilates and strength train with weights. I MAYBE do 15 minutes a WEEK generally on concentrated ab exercises. This is why I think it will be a difference on my body. And if not, we'll know in 30 days! :)

A LOT of our physique is absolutely genetic and past a certain point can not be manipulated. But the MAJORITY (in my opinion) is what we eat and how we work our bodies. Develop strength and flexibility around your core (stomach/abs/back) and slow down. Work your entire body- arms, legs, back muscles and glutes, because THESE exercises strengthen the core.

If you have abdominal fat, no matter how much core strength though, you will not have abs, lines, obliques. You have to change your diet and increase your energy output. You need to burn off more calories than you eat to reduce the body fat. I haven't tested my body fat for a long time Set realistic expectations. Be patient. Build up your core strength with full body exercises, strength training, cardio and to reduce body fat and feel good in your skin reduce salt, breads, soft drinks and junk. Every workout and ever clean meal is one step closer. It's a goal. You have to plan on a slow and steady progression.

My 29th Birthday is on the 30th of April and as a b-day present to MYSELF I want to have the best lookin' abs I've ever had.

Here's what we're doing:

1) NO DESSERT for the full 30 days. We both have quite the sweet tooth, so this is the biggest challenge for us. Since we both do have such a sweet tooth, we're doing our best to have really clean "desserts" with my superfoods like raw, Cacao Magic pudding with avocado and frozen banana Green Dream ice cream. It helps, big time! We're also not doing those every day because that would almost defeat the purpose :) CHALLENGE FOR YOU: give SOMETHING up that makes you feel yucky. High sodium foods, processed or excess sugar, meat, dairy, alcohol. If you really want to drop some weight and feel amazing, drop all of those things and try my 14 day cleanse. I'll be doing it later this month!

2) morning and evening ab exercises. As I said above, I rarely do specific ab exercises. So we are doing them twice a day to see if it makes a difference. Energy goes where we put it so hopefully it will!

3) 30 minutes minimum of activity every day. Work up a sweat! Take the kids to the park and PLAY with them! Go for a long hike! Turn on the music in the house and do exercises and dance while you clean!

4) we will both be doing the 5 day Philosophie Spring Cleanse on April 15th. I'm so excited: new recipes, new detox bath soak and I always feel SO good after the 5 day cleanse! here's a video explaining it: http://youtu.be/IaZ43zCe8NY JOIN US!

please share below how you're doing, what you'd like to see specifically, how I can help, how you're being challenged, what your goals are... etc! Thanks so much for reading and loving YOU! <3

Archives from 2018