Here are 5 helpful ways to curb your appetite when you're not actually needing to eat. We eat for lots of different reasons, typically it's not even for HUNGER itself! Use these tips to stay fuller + satiated throughout the day so you aren't constantly eating or wanting to eat!
1. Eat more protein!
Protein (+ getting enough nutrients into your body) is the number one thing that will help you feel full + satisfied throughout the day. Try to eat a good bit of protein throughout the day to curb snacking + hunger in the evening. Add Green Dream, Cacao Magic or Berry Bliss to every smoothie, soup, oatmeal, yogurt, etc you make to add 10g of plant based, sprouted, raw protein per tablespoon. Easy!
2. Go for a walk or do yoga
Go outside. Take the dog out. Take deep breaths in nature. Feel the cold wind on your skin. Stretch. Chill out... the food will always be there but really think about if you WANT it or if your body is just craving something habitual. Walk away and clear your head so you can refocus your energy.
3. Be Productive
It will feel good to do something you've been putting off for awhile. Often when we're feeling hungry or wanting to snack, we're either bored or trying to distract ourselves from what we should be doing! Consciously decide to shift your focus to something else. Finish that paper, write that letter, read the book, get it DONE! You'll feel so much more accomplished when you wake up feeling hungry instead of having a food hangover.
4. Get enough ZZZ's
I can't say this one enough! It's so much harder to make healthy decisions when you're sleep deprived. Inadequate sleep is associated with decreased in the levels of the hormone leptin, leading to decreased satiety + increases in ghrelin, which in turn increases your appetite.
5. Get more good fats
Fats from seeds, nuts and fish are all good fats. Try and eat a good bit of these each day to feel full longer. I add coconut oil + almond butter to almost every smoothie I make + have a snack of nuts or seeds throughout the day with a fresh juice. And remember: Good fats get rid of bad fats! We like that! :)
LASTLY:Practice mindful eating.
Pay attention to how the foods you eat taste + feel. Really taste your food, feel the texture + enjoy it. By the time you are finished eating, you will have helped the brain get the message you have had enough food. By focusing on what you’re eating, emotions such as boredom, anxiety, anger, frustration + stress will be less likely control how much you eat. I like to eat with my hands because it helps send a tactile messages to your brain that you are eating, even faster than your bloodstream gets the message!
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