Super Food Super Life Podcast with Sophie Jaffe: How Can We Do It All?
I was so honored to be on Alexa Gray's Super Food Super Life podcast! In Alexa's interview below, I share how I started The Philosophie and some tips on balancing the various roles we have in our lives.
How do we do it all? Isn't that the question. Meet Sophie Jaffe, founder and owner of Philosophie Superfoods, Yoga Instructor, Cleanse Expert, Nutritionist, Chef (previously to George Clooney), Wife and Mother of two. The list could go on but you get the idea. Sophie's life is booked solid. Like Sophie, most of us balance between roles that require our undivided attention and energy. It can be exhausting. So are there any tricks to juggling it all? Of course there are!
A good start is to incorporate Sophie's line of superfood powders, honeys and blends that are power packed with some of the most nutrient dense foods on the planet into our diets. These foods will give us the extra support we need to kick some serious butt throughout our day. If we don't know how to incorporate them, her website is chock-full of fantastic recipes. From smoothies to tonics to desserts and even to kid friendly recipes, there is endless inspiration for how to make her products applicable to your life. Also, on the back of every packet or bottle there are basic recipes and food pairing suggestions.
In this podcast we got Sophie to share her own philosophy on life, the specific benefits of these foods as well as some of her secrets to success. Enjoy the show!
—Alexa Gray, Super Food Super Life
We’d love to hear how you find balance in your life. Sound off on Twitter and be sure to tag #myphilosophie!
1 comment
I loved listening to your interview. I also have two little boys at home. So much of what you said made sense to me. I’m searching for what balance looks like in my life and defining what my priorities are. In so, I’m finding freedom and peace.