How To BE Love This Valentine’s Day
Whether you are as single as they come or in a deeply love-filled partnership, I am willing to bet that you wouldn’t mind having a little more love in your life. I mean, really, who doesn’t want more love? It seems like there’s this idea that Valentine’s Day is a holiday for couples, but to me, it’s all about celebrating love in all its forms. The love we give, the love we receive, and, maybe most importantly, the love that we are. That’s right, you don’t have to wait to find someone to give love to or receive love from. You can be love every day, and since we attract what we are, being love is one of the best ways to bring more love into our lives. So, as Valentine’s Day approaches, I want to share some ways to be (and bring in more!) love every day!
Random Acts of Kindness
Did you know this week is Random Acts of Kindness Week? Well, it is and it couldn’t be more perfectly timed because performing random acts of kindness is a wonderful way to be love. Even something as simple as sharing the warmth of your smile with a stranger or paying someone a sincere compliment is a way of being a force of love in the world!
Choose Connection
In life, we often have the opportunity to focus on our commonalities with others or to focus on our differences. When we focus on what we have in common with others, it dials up our sense of compassion and connectedness and opens up the possibility for a lot more love in our lives.
Be Present
Do you ever find yourself feeling distracted while spending time with someone you care about? It happens to the best of us when we’re stressed, tired, or overwhelmed, but making a conscious choice to truly be present with your loved ones is a guaranteed way to experience a surge of love in your life.
Open Your Heart
We can look for love all we want, but if we are staying closed to it because of emotional wounds or fears, we will never fully experience the joy of the love that fills and surrounds us. Practicing letting go of past hurts, anger, and fear is one of the most powerful ways of opening our hearts to love.
Do Love
Doing anything that you are passionate about is a simple way to channel more love into your life, because investing time in things that feed and nourish your soul is an act of love in and of itself. Not to mention the fact that all of that time spent doing things that make you happy will leave you will an irresistible glow that is bound to attract other happy, loving souls.
Hunt for Love
There is so much love in the world that is just waiting to be found and I am not just talking about the people on the other sides of those personals ads. If you spend time hunting for love in all of your experiences, you will begin to notice the way that it is always present. Whether you see it in a mother caring for her child in the grocery store or in the kindness of the person making your latte at the coffee shop, tuning in to the love happening all around you allows you to experience more love in your life instantly.
Love Yourself
One of the oldest sayings around is that you “can’t love anyone else until you love yourself” and it’s certainly true that it is difficult to be love when we are wrapped up in self-directed negativity. Focusing on and affirming our positive qualities and building a deep sense of unconditional love for yourself is perhaps one of the most important ways that you can be love, both for yourself and for all of the other people on your life.