It is not an easy time. I am not well, nor will I pretend to be. Deep deep breath. Holy wow. Shock. Awe. Prayer. I’m doing my absolute best to understand what I can + trust what I don't that there's a greater plan. I haven't stopped crying but I will continue to do my work. I will continue to show up, to my job, my children, my soul, now more than ever. I'm trying to adult, but it's not easy. I'm trying to stop crying but it feels impossible not to feel the pain. I'm also trying to keep in mind that no great change has ever come from comfort.
Sending peace to everyone near + far, black + white, old + young, fortunate + less, educated + less, liberal + conservative. I hope for peace + understanding. I hope for much much more love {not blindly, but with much work + showing up consistently to one another} and for MANY uncomfortable conversations to promote bridging the gap the best we can. Starting now.
All great changes are preceded by chaos." -Deepak Chopra
I’m deeply saddened that hate has been given hope. As Californians and liberals, we live in a bubble that truly isn’t the reality that reflects what the true American values. As a whole, we are not ready. We are not ready to support a female president. We are not ready to let go of prejudice and hate. We are just not all there yet. I feel deeply saddened by the stark realization of this fact. My little angels went with their abba to the polls. They were so excited to vote for the first female president, and I was heartbroken to tell them what our next 4 years will look like now. I can’t even conjure an image in my brain of how this movie will play out. This feels like a nightmare; a bad dream. I wake up every morning hungover with grief.
“Black and brown people have been talking about racism, sexism, white privilege, class and gender inequality for some time now. Black men, boys and women have been getting shot in the street due to fear and stereotypes. Black and brown parents have had to tell their children on the daily exactly what you feared having to tell your kids on November 9th - that things don't always work out in your favor, good doesn't always trump bad, and you will be judged by things other than the content of your character. This is not new information for many of us, nor is the fact that the rust belt and a majority of white men and women voted for a candidate whose campaign overtly endorsed xenophobia and hate.
So what now? We need to start collectively addressing the underlying issues in a real way and not just pay lip service with outrage for a few weeks. Speak up when you see mistreatment of minority groups, get involved in local and state government, get informed on issues that may not directly "affect you," talk to people on a different path than yours, cultivate empathy, teach your children all these things. Wash, lather, rinse, repeat.”
-Priyanka Wolan
So what can we do? I’m spending a lot of time going inward, and going back to the only thing I know to do: loving my babes and sharing meditation, light & magic with them and my community. Now, more than ever, the world CLEARLY needs light and love. I’m using this sense of defeat and disappointment to fuel my mission. To HELP and LOVE as many people as I can. To positively impact as many people as I can. While it may feel like the rug has been snatched right from under your feet, and like your world has been tipped upside down...I promise it hasn’t. YOU still have control. You have the power and control over the love and light that you spread. We are needed more than ever to do our work. It's even more important now. It's an opportunity to mourn, to see clearly the work to be done + to do it with immense kindness. As people and communities we need to band together+lift each other up+hug one another. Namaste.
How are you spreading love in your community? Share with us on Twitter?