Tasty Raw Carrot Juice

Tasty Raw Carrot Juice

As its strong orange stalk disappears into the roar of the juice machine, you can almost hear it shouting, "you'll never find a better juicing vegetable than me!" As far as juicing goes, this bold member of the parsley family is pretty much king-and a carotenoid king, at that.

carrots cart

what are the health benefits to carrot juice?

  • high in Vitamin C which is great for maintaining the appearance of our skin by slowing the decline of collagen
  • our most delicious source of beta-carotene (plant version of vitamin A), which is our most famous antioxidant (posses life extension properties that protect us from the toxic effects of free radicals)
  • Best known for helping our eyes. Beta-carotene, lutein, and zeaxanthin all concentrate in the retina of the eye.
  • And carrots enhance the overall function of our immune system by increasing the production and performance of our white blood cells.
  • The pectin in carrots lowers serum cholesterol levels.
  • Carrots are beneficial for dry skin problems such as psoriasis.
  • They also reduce the risk of stroke
  • and as if that wasn't enough, they counter the symptoms of arthritis and rheumatism

No wonder carrots were my favorite veggie growing up! I must've known inherently :)


For this Tasty Raw Carrot Juice recipe, be sure to buy organically grown.

"Bunny Love"blending the bee pollen

-7 oz organic carrot juice

-2 oz organic pineapple juice (organic frozen is best, either buy it whole and cut it to freeze or buy pre cut)

-1-2 oz organic fresh ginger root (it really adds a zing so be aware to add it a little at a time until you get used to it)

-1-2 tablespoons bee pollen


1) juice the carrots and ginger together in juicer (and pineapple if fresh)

2) put juice into a blender and add the pineapple if frozen (1 Cup)

3) add the bee pollen, it will add a creamy consistency

4) add ice if the pineapple isn't frozen

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[…] To read about the benefits to carrots-check out this past post. […]

Carrot Ginger Soup | The Philosophie

[…] Carrot juice is renown for its abundance of antioxidants. Alfalfa sprouts are rich in phytochemicals and chlorophyll and increase oxygen in the blood and brain. Blue-green algae, in any of its varieties, is a superb brain foods for sharpening concentration and alertness. Use organic carrots whenever possible. […]

Brain Food | The Philosophie

Mmmmm I love carrot juice I like to make it with just carrot with a half of an apple..I’ll have to try this:)


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