Tag: weight loss

Holiday Health Challenge

Hi Philosophie Lovers!

For the Holiday Season, I challenge you to stay HEALTHY and FIT versus pack on a new layer of warmth!

How you may ask?

With consistent help, advice, pointers and recipes of course! It’s so much easier to achieve your goals with a support system in place. We will also have a private Philosophie Holiday Health Challenge facebook group where we can all talk about challenges we face, exchange recipes and tips and converse about living the Philosophie lifestyle!

I will send out daily email tips, feedback, questions and advice along with NEVER BEFORE SEEN recipes, workouts and techniques exclusive to this program to aid in your weight loss vs weight gain!

If you sign up NOW (within the next 48 hours) your Challenge price will be $48. (after 48 hours it will be $75)

To commit to this Holiday Health Challenge and stay TRUE to your best self, email: Sophie@thephilosophie.com with the subject line: I COMMIT TO MY HEALTH!

Why wait til after New Years to drop that extra weight? Let’s all start 2011 feeling fresh, rejuvenated and LIGHTER than when the holidays began!



*the only requirement is that you have a blender, access to fresh veggies and fruit and daily internet connection!


Post C-Section Advice for a Healthy and Speedy Recovery

As upset as I was to hear I had to have a c-section after 17 hours of sitting in the hospital in labor, 3 weeks later I've luckily recovered quickly and easily.

A few clients and friends have asked what my "secret" is to my speedy recovery and weight loss. All I can do is share advice on what I did/do and hopefully it helps others in their journey.

Healthy Eating=Healthy Mind and Healthy Body

[caption id="attachment_1644" align="alignleft" width="153" caption="green juice!"][/caption]

Throughout my pregnancy and especially post-pregnancy, I really stressed getting organic, healthy, REAL food into my body. I stay away from anything processed, steer clear of sugar and anything unnatural. If I am craving something sweet I reach for fruit, dark chocolate or vegan ice cream. As soon as I had the baby (the DAY after) I had my mom bring me fresh green vegetable juice to obtain the energy from the chlorophyll and the rejuvenating properties of the nutrients in the veggies. I ate omega-3 rich salmon and brown rice for the protein and fiber.  By getting back into this routine of eating healthy, beautiful, nutrient-dense foods, it allowed me to quickly gain energy and strength.

I made sure to get in a lot of warming foods postpartum, like ginger, coconut water and cooked foods like quinoa and sauteed veggies.  In Chinese medicine it is thought that pregnancy is a time you are very warm internally and need to balance it with cooling foods (like raw fruits and veggies), and postpartum is a time your body is very cold and needs to be warmed. Staying hydrated is VERY important for recovery, especially when breastfeeding. Drinking room temperature water rather than cold water can help keep the balance of warm vs cold in your body as well.

Yoga and Exercise for a Speedy Recovery

[caption id="attachment_1438" align="alignleft" width="150" caption="walking 9 months pregnant"][/caption]

During my pregnancy I worked out 4-5 times per week. In the beginning I did all the same workouts: running, jogging, swimming, stair stepper, cross training, cross-fit, power yoga, jump roping, weight lifting and spinning (check out my post on exercise and pregnancy for more details). After my belly got larger, I didn't feel comfortable doing high-intensity workouts or anything that required jumping. I continued doing yoga and light cardio (swimming, walking and stairs) as often as I could. 3 days before having Kai, I was at a power yoga class. There were weeks I didn't feel like doing anything, but I made sure to walk uphill and do a modified yoga practice. After wards without fail, I felt better. This was key. In the immediate, I had more energy. In the long term, I'm convinced it's what is ensuring my speedy recovery.

In the days following my surgery I would walk around the hospital hallways doing laps. I would hold onto my husband or a family member while hobbling up and down the halls. It made a huge difference and with each lap I felt stronger than the last. When I got home I'd deliberately make several trips up and down the stairs, slowly and carefully, to get a glass of water or whatever I needed. This helped train my body and let it know it was time to get moving. Of course, I listened to my body and what it needed. I didn't push anything. But I was ready to start recovering very quickly: both mentally and physically.

Mind over matter

In the first few days, you almost have to force yourself to create healthy habits. Begin walking as soon as you possibly can. Find the healthiest things on your hospital menu to order, and if there isn't anything, have someone bring you food. Make sure you get adequate water immediately, more than you think you need. Try and ween yourself off the pain killers as soon as you can. This is doing nothing for your recovery because you can't even feel what's happening in your body. Take Motrin instead: it's an anti-inflammatory that helps reduce the swelling from your surgery and also reduce pain in your body. Keep your body "warm" with warming foods from Traditional Chinese Medicine. Here's a complete list. Finally, be sure to exercise throughout your entire pregnancy, no matter how much you don't want to. It will help with weight loss on the other side. I highly recommend yoga, in case I haven't mentioned that before. (ha!)  :)

See Part Two of this Journey-3 months post-pregnancy!

Basic raw food equipment and staples for the kitchen

Now that you're ready to eat raw living foods,  you're probably wondering what equipment and food staples you'll need. You will need some basic kitchen equipment and food staples to get you started.

kitchen cabinet

Kitchen Equipment


1. Blender. If you have a good blender that is working fine, there is no need to rush out purchase a heavy duty blender. A heavy duty blender is great, but start where you are and work your way up. I am partial to the Vita Mix, but there are many heavy duty blenders on the market you can choose from.

2. Coffee grinder (optional). A coffee grinder is good for grinding flax seeds and other seeds and nuts. I have a Magic Bullet and it has an attachment for grinding seeds and nuts. You can also use a heavy duty blender for grinding, but most of the time you will need small amounts, so you may consider purchasing a coffee grinder.

3. Food processor. A food processor is good to have, but I don't believe you need to have one, when you're starting out. Why? Because a lot of things you can do with a food processor you can do with a good heavy duty blender.

4. Juicer. A juicer is good to have, but again, I don't believe this is necessary when you are starting out. Don't feel you need to purchase a top of the line juicer. Start small and work your way up.

5. Dehydrator. A dehydrator is good to have (not necessary), if you want to make dried fruit (my favorite!) crackers, breads and seasoned nuts and have other little treats on hand (especially during your transition). However, over time you will find that you will use your dehydrator less and less.

Other Tools

1. Mixing bowls

2. Rubber Spatulas

3. Knives

4. Cutting board (wood or bamboo)

5. Kitchen scissors

6. Colander

7. Garlic press

8. Mason jars

9. Measuring cups and spoons

10. Sprout bag or cheese cloth (for straining nut milks)

11. Fine mesh strainer

12. Vegetable peeler

Kitchen Staples

1. Fruit (dried and frozen)

2. Dried herbs and spices

3. Oils and Vinegars

4. Raw nuts and seeds

5. Sweeteners and Seasonings (sea salt, pepper, cayenne pepper)

6. Superfoods- carob or cocoa powder, maca sea vegetables, sun-dried tomatoes, etc)

7. Raw grains-buckwheat groats, oat groats, etc

8. Raw nut/seed butters

**Purchase fresh, preferably organic produce on a weekly basis.

Rat farmers market

Check out local farmers markets in your area!

Post C-Section Advice for a Healthy and Speedy Recovery

As upset as I was to hear I had to have a c-section after 17 hours of sitting in the hospital in labor, 3 weeks later I've luckily recovered quickly and easily.

A few clients and friends have asked what my "secret" is to my speedy recovery and weight loss. All I can do is share advice on what I did/do and hopefully it helps others in their journey.

Healthy Eating=Healthy Mind and Healthy Body

Throughout my pregnancy and especially post-pregnancy, I really stressed getting organic, healthy, REAL food into my body. I stay away from anything processed, steer clear of sugar and anything unnatural. If I am craving something sweet I reach for fruit, dark chocolate or vegan ice cream. As soon as I had the baby (the DAY after) I had my mom bring me fresh green vegetable juice to obtain the energy from the chlorophyll and the rejuvenating properties of the nutrients in the veggies. I ate omega-3 rich salmon and brown rice for the protein and fiber.  By getting back into this routine of eating healthy, beautiful, nutrient-dense foods, it allowed me to quickly gain energy and strength.

I made sure to get in a lot of warming foods postpartum, like ginger, coconut water and cooked foods like quinoa and sauteed veggies.  In Chinese medicine it is thought that pregnancy is a time you are very warm internally and need to balance it with cooling foods (like raw fruits and veggies), and postpartum is a time your body is very cold and needs to be warmed. Staying hydrated is VERY important for recovery, especially when breastfeeding. Drinking room temperature water rather than cold water can help keep the balance of warm vs cold in your body as well. 

Yoga and Exercise for a Speedy Recovery

[caption id="attachment_1438" align="alignleft" width="150" caption="walking 9 months pregnant"][/caption]

During my pregnancy I worked out 4-5 times per week. In the beginning I did all the same workouts: running, jogging, swimming, stair stepper, cross training, cross-fit, power yoga, jump roping, weight lifting and spinning (check out my post on exercise and pregnancy for more details). After my belly got larger, I didn't feel comfortable doing high-intensity workouts or anything that required jumping. I continued doing yoga and light cardio (swimming, walking and stairs) as often as I could. 3 days before having Kai, I was at a power yoga class. There were weeks I didn't feel like doing anything, but I made sure to walk uphill and do a modified yoga practice. After wards without fail, I felt better. This was key. In the immediate, I had more energy. In the long term, I'm convinced it's what is ensuring my speedy recovery.

In the days following my surgery I would walk around the hospital hallways doing laps. I would hold onto my husband or a family member while hobbling up and down the halls. It made a huge difference and with each lap I felt stronger than the last. When I got home I'd deliberately make several trips up and down the stairs, slowly and carefully, to get a glass of water or whatever I needed. This helped train my body and let it know it was time to get moving. Of course, I listened to my body and what it needed. I didn't push anything. But I was ready to start recovering very quickly: both mentally and physically.

Mind over matter

In the first few days, you almost have to force yourself to create healthy habits. Begin walking as soon as you possibly can. Find the healthiest things on your hospital menu to order, and if there isn't anything, have someone bring you food. Make sure you get adequate water immediately, more than you think you need. Try and ween yourself off the pain killers as soon as you can. This is doing nothing for your recovery because you can't even feel what's happening in your body. Take Motrin instead: it's an anti-inflammatory that helps reduce the swelling from your surgery and also reduce pain in your body. Keep your body "warm" with warming foods from Traditional Chinese Medicine. Here's a complete list. Finally, be sure to exercise throughout your entire pregnancy, no matter how much you don't want to. It will help with weight loss on the other side. I highly recommend yoga, in case I haven't mentioned that before. (ha!)  :)

See Part Two of this Journey-3 months post-pregnancy!

Detox- the first step to a healthy body

The first step in taking on any new type of diet or nutritional plan, or attempting to lose weight, is absolutely to cleanse/detox.

My personal training and private yoga clients constantly talk to me about their physical goals, usually losing weight being at the top of their list.

Where to start

My advice is always the same. Start with a cleanse. You need to press the "restart button" before you begin something brand new. Your body, specifically your digestive system, is much like a computer and you're trying to download a new program. If you haven't restarted your computer in months, maybe even years, your computer will be running slow and sluggish.

When we regularly ingest processed foods, meat and dairy products, our digestive and lymphatic systems become overloaded, or congested, leaving excess toxins to remain rampant in the blood and in the digestive system where they cause chronic illnesses and diseased colons.

Great internal healing occurs when we cleanse through organic, primarily liquid based, raw foods. Uncooked foods maintain the enzymes within the food, as oppose to cooked foods which destroy the natural enzymes. After we eat cooked foods, it takes a lot of energy from the body to produce these enzymes in order to aid in the digestive process. In addition, because the raw food is also mostly liquid (smoothies, juices, teas, gazpacho's) it doesn't demand much from the body in order to break it down.

By allowing our systems to work less, we free up that energy to concentrate on healing. Raw vegetables, fruits and their juices, fresh air, and sunlight alkaline the body. They carry a negative charge, magnetically attaching the the acidic wastes and literally puling them into the eliminating channels for release. In addition, alkaline-forming foods are so beneficial because they help magnetize waste matter out of the bodies cells.

Are there any difficulties?

Raw foods help our digestive systems to heal, which allows our lymphatic systems to discharge these congestive toxins. This process can be uncomfortable.

Some possible side effects of detoxification include a temporary loss of energy, headaches, nausea or diarrhea. This is merely evidence that your body is throwing out those accumulated toxins.Some people will experience childhood illnesses or past experiences. If you experience low energy or bowel irregularities over a long period of time, you may have an overgrowth of yeast, or Candida, in your intestines.

How should I cleanse?

There are many different ways to detox. There's the lemonade diet. There's potions and colon cleansers. Fasting. Laxatives.

I personally believe the most gentle and nutritious way to detox is through raw food and juice cleanses. I either provide these cleanses (actually creating and making the cleanse for you) or, if you don't live in Los Angeles and/or it's too expensive for you at the moment, I can consult and guide you through your process via email/phone. See the testimonials page if you want to see what other clients have said - They all agree that with a healthy body come endless benefits.

If eating raw foods isn't right for your body, I can guide and support you through other nutritious cleanse methods, such as body ecology diet, gluten-free, dairy-free, macrobiotic or vegan.

Blue Green Algae and Energy

For natural energy, I try and chose natural and healthier options. I have begun thinking about this daily energy as a process of ups and downs, rather than something continuous and constant. It's more natural to have a low period or two during a day versus constant up because of band aids and quick fixes (coffee, stimulants, etc).

Move over, wheatgrass. There's a new superfood in town.

I have been adding blue green algae to my routine for about 2 years now and I've really noticed a difference in my energy level.

There are two kinds of blue green algae: that from fresh water and that from the ocean. The fresh water blue green algae is from a lake in Oregon called Klamath Lake. The blue green algae from the ocean is termed Spirulina and comes in a powder/flake or tablet form. I add spirulina flakes to smoothies and juices or sprinkle it onto a salad. I take blue green algae in liquid form and usually take a shot of it in the morning and mid day during my energy shift. Lately I've been putting the liquid algae (I use E3 Live brand) into an ice cube tray and dropping it into a glass to melt so that I have an ounce or two at my finger tips instead of freezing and defrosting the whole bottle once or twice a day. I found that I got lazy and would rather not go through the process before I was putting it in an ice cube tray.

e3live - Blue Green AlgaeThe technical term APHANIZOMENON (genus) and FLOS-AQUAE (species) are actually zoological terms of classification that literally mean "invisible living flower of water" in Greek.

Algae capitalize on the direct energy of the sun more than any other food. Primitive as they may appear, most are highly efficient photosynthesizers. Algae utilize light energy from the sun, carbon dioxide from the air, and hydrogen from the water to synthesize its bio-chemicals. Klamath Blue Green Algae is unique among all food grade algaes in that it also metabolizes molecular nitrogen directly from the air to produce proteins and other nitrogen containing bio-molecules.

What are the benefits to adding this to your diet?

  • increase in mood and mental clarity
  • Immunity booster
  • for healthy hair and skin
  • fights off aging (powerful antioxidants-fight free radicals)
  • feel good food-helps with serotonin
  • detoxifies our bodies: liver, GI Tract
  • Green Foods in general help with cholesterol problems (regulates gallbladder and liver)
  • 10-30x more nutritious than land vegetables

You can begin feeling the effects of blue green algae by trying Spirulina in your smoothie at a juice bar (most have it) or you can try a shot of E3 live. I would suggest trying it a few times before purchasing it to see how it works with you and if you like the effect on your body. I've tried several supplements or superfoods some people LIVE by, only to find out it makes me feel off. These are all suggestions, find what works with your body, experiment with many options, and ask lots of questions!!

Juice Cleanse

Why Cleanse?


There are so many reasons to detox or cleanse. Some people believe in completely fasting: eating and drinking nothing for a certain amount of time.

We believe it's imperative, to aid in the cleansing process, to consume raw foods to receive an ABUNDANCE of nutrients... saturating your body in health instead of depriving it.

Cleansing and fasting regimes are multi-faceted experiences that have been practiced by an innumerable amount of people ranging from Christian saints to Buddha. These cleanses purify the mind, uplift the heart and heal the body.

In our every day life, we experience many different exposures to toxins. From environmental toxins (pollution) to emotional stresses to the food we eat, our bodies experience this stress daily. There are and always have been stressors in life and today there is no doubt an increase in a multitude of new toxins and stressors that have never existed before.

To restore your health and wellbeing, it is essential to detoxify the accumulation of toxins that absolutely affect each and every cell of your body.

We offer a unique experience by using raw, organic food, superfoods, herbs and supplements to provide a personalized program for you. After having an initial consultation we create a customized juice and/or food cleanse ranging from 3 to 30 days, depending on your needs and goals. You can combine any cleanse with our yoga classes or personal one on one training to get the most out of your detox process.

We look forward to sharing this experience with you!

Archives from 2018