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How to Make Dairy-Free Milk (Mylk)


I'll never forget the first time I watched almonds blend away and white, pure "milk" be created. It's a surreal experience, try it for yourself!

To make dairy-free mylk, you can use pretty much any seed, grain or nut. I like almond, oat and coconut mylk the best. Experiment with your own taste buds  to see what works for you.


Mylk Ingredients:

  • Pure water
  • Nuts or seeds of choice
  • sweetener of your choice (a few soft dates, raw honey, raw agave or stevia)
  • 1 pinch of unprocessed sea salt (optional)

General Directions:

1. Soak nuts or seeds (almonds and hazelnuts for 8-12 hours, sunflower seeds or brazil nuts for 3 hours) I like to soak the nuts before bed and then in the morning it's ready for biz-nas!

2. Place soaked nuts or seeds in a blender so that the nuts are even with the level of the uppermost part of the blades.

3. Add pure water to just cover the nuts and blend until smooth. Add more water until desired consistency is reached.

4. Sweeten to suit your taste buds with a soft date or two, raw agave, raw honey or a packet or drop of stevia (if you use too much stevia, it will become bitter). Strain with cheesecloth or a nut milk bag.

5. Make only what you will use in a day or two. Refrigerate.

(These mylks will go bad after about 48 hours)

Vanilla Hemp Seed Mylk:

  • 1/4 cup shelled hempseeds (buy them in air-tight containers, not from bulk bins where they can be rancid)
  • 1 liter pure water
  • 1 pinch of unprocessed sea salt (optional)
  • sweetener of your choice
  • vanilla pod or a few drops of vanilla stevia instead of sweetener


1. Place the hempseeds in a blender with just enough water to cover them and blend well.

2. Add the rest of the ingredients and blend until smooth.

3. Strain in a mesh strainer and drink! Refrigerate the remainder.

Optional: for a thicker, more omega 3 rich milk, soak 1/4 cup flax seeds for 2 hours, then rinse and blend with hemp seeds.

*If you want to make these mylks chocolate for a kid or for a yummy treat, add raw cacao powder at the end of the final blend. It tastes DELICIOUS and no one will ever know you are drinking something with amazing superfoods, antioxidants and health benefits!!! :)

Recipe for Raw, Vegan, Apple Pear Pie Crumble

I stared at my fruit bowl today and felt sad. My pears and apples were going to go bad any minute and I knew we wouldn't eat them in time. There were just too mnay. What to do??  Make a raw pie crumble of course!! This  dessert can obviously be made of just apples and use as man different varieties as you like.

Ingredients for Crust:

* 2 cups almonds (soaked 12-24 hours)

*2 cups pitted dates

*1 tsp orange or lemon zest

Ingredients for filling:

*5-6 organic apples

*3-4 organic pears

*1 cup raisins (soaked several hours in just enough water to cover them)

*2 tbsp ground flax seeds or psyllium powder

*2 tsp cinnamon powder

*1/2 tsp allspice powder

*1/2 tsp nutmeg powder

*1 pinch Garam masala

To make crust:

place all crust ingredients in a food processor and process with the S blade until it resembles dough. It will form a ball in the processor, then you know it's ready! Press into a pie plate or 9x12 pan.

To make filling:

*Core and chop the apples and pears into medium sized pieces. Place half the apples into a food processor along with the rest of the ingredients, including the water from the soaking raisin's, and process until smooth. Set aside the mixture in a mixing bowl.

Place the rest of the apples in food processor and pulse until a chunky texture is achieved. Mix the batches together. Pour into the pie shell or pan and enjoy!

Letting the pie settle in the refrigerator for a few hours will stiffen up the filling. Or place in the oven on low for a few minutes with vegan ice cream on top! yum! 

Garnish with apple slices and sprinkle spices on top!

Cold and Flu Season: Tips for Health

Cold and flu season is here, so why not create a "sadhana" (daily practice) to help ward off any bugs intent on taking up residence in your body?

First order of business, cultivate good habits that promote a healthy immune system.

Second, learn to manage your stress and keep a postive outlook--your emotional state has as much to do with your physical health as do invading viruses and bateria.

Here's How:

*Get a good night's sleep. Research shows that not getting enough sleep is as bad as unrelenting stress. Aim to be in bed by ten o'clock and up by sixish.

*Eat foods that are high in fiber and low in fat and contain plenty of omega-3 fatty acids-for example, wild salmon, ground flaxseeds walnuts chia seeds, or hemp seed.

*Add fruits and veggies rich in antioxidants to help stimulate your immune system.

*Walk, jog, ride your bike 0r any exercise will increase immune function and make you feel happier.

*Go upside down every day. Include headstand, shoulder stand, plough pose, or downward-facing dog in your yoga practice. Strong immunity depends on good circulation; inversions are yoga's fight to your immune system.

*Get outside. Listen to birds sing; watch a sunset; take a stroll in the park. Being in nature can be calming and nurturing.

*Practice loving-kindness toward yourself and others, count your blessings, and don't forget to laugh out loud-every day!

Vegan eggnog

Tonight we are having a holiday party and I want to make something festive!!!

Healthy vegan eggnog it is!
  • add 2 tablespoons agave
  • 1/2 teaspoon cinnamon
  • fresh vanilla bean (1 tablespoon vanilla extract is fine)
  • 1/2 teaspoon cloves
  • 2 teaspoons nutmeg
  • rum or brandy if you want alcohol
  • add 2 drops of vanilla stevia if you want it sweeter
Enjoy!! Happy holidays from the Philosophie!!

Blend on a low speed for 45 seconds, sprinkle nutmeg on top before serving!

Energizing Mommy Smoothie Recipe: Video

Check out this new recipe to BLAST your energy levels without coffee or a redbull!

--------> click here for VIDEO RECIPE!!! <----------

This is good for ANYONE and EVERYONE... moms, dads, nanny's, and just about any person trying to get more energy and feel good...in a natural way! If you aren't getting the sleep you wish you were, this is for you! Lots of superfoods and healing herbs will  deeply satisfy your system so that you don't need anything else. Give it a try and let me know how it goes!!!

make an epic Superfood Smoothie! Recipe:

1 tsp Tumeric (healing, antibacterial, anticancer)
1 tsp Holy Basil (stress relief, immune stimulator, powerful antioxidants/vitamins)
1 cup Kale (powerful superfood vegetable full of chlorophyll and nutrients!)
1 tsp Spirulina (protein, cleansing, B vitamins, happy food!)
1 Banana (frozen preferably, add more for sweetness)
1 tablespoon Hemp Protein (excellent source of vegetarian/vegan protein)
8 oz Coconut Milk (or almond/rice) (good source of healthy fats!)
Agave to taste
Ice to temp!

Coconut water/juice what are the benefits?

Coconut juice is the thin liquid found in young coconuts; it is not coconut milk, which is squeezed from coconut meat. Coconut juice, more commonly called coconut water, has a mild flavor and is a clear liquid. Coconut juice provides various health benefits, as it is high in potassium and magnesium, promotes hydration and replacement of electrolytes, and can even be used as an intravenous fluid. (a common myth amongst health foodies is that it was used as a blood transfusion: this is NOT TRUE, but it could be used for hydration through IV if necessary)

What Are the Benefits of Coconut Juice?


Coconut juice has no cholesterol or fat, is low in carbohydrates and calories, and contains more electrolytes than other fruit and vegetable juices. It is full of various vitamins and minerals that are essential for the body, including copper, phosphorous, sulfur and vitamin C. Coconut juice also contains niacin, pantothenic acid, biotin, riboflavin, folic acid and thiamin. The juice helps carry these nutrients and oxygen to different cells and parts of the body, making it an important resource for nutrient absorption.

Natural Sports Drink

Coconut juice is an isotonic solution that naturally re-hydrates the body by replacing lost fluids and minerals after exercise, according the Department of Physiology at the University of Malaysia. Fresh young coconut juice provides better total body re-hydration and blood volume restoration compared to carbohydrate-electrolyte sports drinks and plain water. Additionally, due to its physical makeup, coconut water naturally restores plasma glucose in the body, making it beneficial for reducing nausea and upset stomach after intense exercise.

Supports Digestive Health

Coconut juice contains lauric acid, which the body converts into monolaurin, according to HomeRemediesWeb.com. Monolaurin has antiviral and antibacterial properties that help fight against intestinal worms, parasites, viruses and gastrointestinal tract infections. As an antibiotic, it can help fight intestinal worms, constipation, diarrhea and other common digestive problems.

One of my favorite brands is Amy and Brian's Coconut Juice. I get it with pulp because I like the taste and coconut pulp/meat has great nutritional benefits. Honestly, the rest taste like cardboard (what they're packaged in) and I only drink them if there's no other option (O.N.E. Coconut is the best of those and actually tastes delicious. They have lots of options for athletes and even for KIDS! It's one of the best things you can give your family! I keep one in my gym bag and diaper bag at all times!).

My son LOVES coconut water and calls it "coco". He slurps it up and now I know I have to buy two coconuts when I buy one for myself because he will absolutely without a doubt drink the entire thing.

My absolute top choice though is to buy a REAL coconut and chop it open myself! (you have to be very careful doing this, I've cut myself pretty badly before and I've even been "trained")

I drank coconut water almost every day for the first 2 months of breastfeeding, and now that my body is getting used to  it I drink it when I'm feeling very dehydrated or tired. It's a great natural energy boost too!!!

You can also use coconut water as a base in smoothies instead of a "mylk" or water. It makes the smoothie taste so refreshing and light. Check out our recipes section for smoothies made with coconut water!

Superfoods: what are they and what are the health benefits?

What are superfoods?

Superfood is a term sometimes used to describe food with high phytonutrient content that may provide health benefits as a result. For example, blueberries are often considered a superfood (or superfruit) because they contain significant amounts of antioxidants,, vitamin C, manganese, and dietary fiber. You don't need specific foods for specific ailments. A healthy diet incorporating a variety of the following superfoods will help you maintain your weight, fight disease, and live longer. One thing they all have in common: Every superfood is going to be a 'real' (unprocessed) food, you don't find fortified potato chips in the superfood category.

How can I use and incorporate superfoods in my daily life?

if you click on the words above I offer other posts I've written with more info about the wonderful superfoods and also a few recipes to use them in!

 All of my superfood blends have all the best superfoods in one place. No need to purchase them all separately, just buy one bag instead of 8! 

Cacao Magic superfood blend has raw Cacao powder, raw cacao nibs, tocos (vit E for hair, skin, nails) chia seeds (good fats to burn bad fat), maca (balances mood), reishi (chinese immunity herb), cordyceps (chinese herb for weightloss) and chaga (energizing herb with no caffeine)

The Green Dream superfoods have chia seeds, maca, mesquite (high in iron), tocos, spirulina, hemp powder and fresh vanilla bean. 

Our Berry Bliss superfood blend has camu camu (top antioxidant food in the world), pomegranate, acai (combats stress), goji (prevents heart disease) organic whey protein (recovery & rejuvenation-very clean protein source) tocos (improves digestion, glowing skin & strong nails from Vitamin E) camu camu (immunity) and mangosteen (antibiotic & anti-fungal)



the Yummiest Superfood Yet ... Dark Chocolate

Research has shown that dark chocolate is packed with antioxidants and can lower blood pressure. It's recommended that you look for chocolate with 60% or higher cocoa content; the darker, the better! In addition, the darker it is, the lower the fat and sugar content. Now that's my kind of health food!

here are two recipes using dark chocolate/cacao (chocolate in it's most raw form):

1. Peppermint Patty Recipe

2. Delicious Chocolate Cake

and Here's an awesome breakfast I've been making lately--super filling and superfood rich!


Superfood Oats


  • 1 C Steelcut oats (follow instructions on the box)
  • 2 T Cacao Magic blend
  • 1 T goji berries (see pic below)
  • 1/2 Organic Canned Pumpkin
  • 1 t coconut oil (i like Garden of Life brand)
  • 2 T almond butter (i get Trader Joes brand, raw & creamy)
  • 1 T Agave or Raw Honey (i buy from our local farmers market) or Stevia if watching sugar
  • Cinnamon to taste
  • fresh berries for topping (like raspberries, blueberries, strawberries)

1. follow instructions on box for cooking steelcut oats. (can also use quinoa or instant low-sugar oats)

2. The last minute or so, add the pumpkin, almond butter, goji berries and cinnamon. Stir all ingredients until mixed.

3. Remove oats from heat. Mix the coconut oil, cacao powder and agave/honey/sweetener in the bowl you'll be using and mix well with a spoon until it forms a chocolate sauce. Pour oats in bowl. Add fresh berries. Enjoy!

*double/triple the amount so you can save in containers for easy power-breakfasts in the next few days!

My bible: words to live by

My Bible: Don Miguel Ruiz's Four Agreements

I've had this book, The Four Agreements, for over 10 years now. I've given it to every person I love to read- either the physical copy or suggesting them to go buy it for themselves. If everyone had a copy in their bedside table (like I do, my bible!) I think the world would be a prettier, nicer, more mindful, kind place to exist. I have a small mini copy I keep in my car for quick reminders when I get discouraged. It's a beautiful, simple read and I highly suggest it for anyone and everyone.

Here they are! The Four Agreements:

1. Be Impeccable With Your Word: Speak with integrity. Say only what you mean. Avoid using the word to speak against yourself or to gossip about others. Use the power of your word in the direction of truth and love.

2. Don't Take Anything Personally: Nothing others do is because of you. What others say and do is a projection of their own reality, their own dream. When you are immune to the opinions and actions of others, you won't be the victim of needless suffering.

3. Don't Make Assumptions: Find the courage to ask questions and to express what you really want. Communicate with others as clearly as you can to avoid misunderstandings, sadness, and drama. With just this one agreement, you can completely transform your life.

4. Always Do Your Best:
Your best is going to change from moment to moment; it will be different when you are healthy as opposed to sick. Under any circumstance, simply do your best, and you will avoid self-judgment, self-abuse, and regret."

-- Don Miguel Ruiz in The Four Agreements

Great Advice for Weight Loss

To lose weight in a healthy manner and keep it off for life, you need to work hard and work smart. I want to share Livestrong.com's advice for weightloss. Four lifestyle modifications are useful -- the meal replacement strategy, meal timing, aerobic exercise and anaerobic exercise. Your weight loss program will not work over the long term if it is a one-shot project. It must be a permanent lifestyle change.

The Weight Loss Equation

There is no magic to weight loss, asserts Vanderbilt University. Weight loss occurs when you burn more calories than you take in by eating. Your body burns calories in three ways -- by exercise, by heat generation and by performing basic metabolic functions, such as breathing. You can directly control how much you eat and how much you exercise. You can indirectly control how many calories your body uses to perform basic metabolic functions by building muscle mass.

The Meal Replacement Strategy

Pay attention to the content of the food you eat more so than the volume of food that you eat, advises Penn State Strength Fitness. This is because nutritious food usually contains fewer calories per unit of volume than unhealthy food, because a nutritious diet will ensure that the weight you lose is fat instead of muscle, and because a low-volume diet will leave you constantly hungry. Focus on gradually replacing entire categories of food with more nutritious categories. Replace sweets with fruits, for example, red meat with chicken, and french fries with rice. A great TOOL for managing your food/caloric intake is myplate on the Livestrong website.

Weight Training

Weight training is anaerobic, because it relies on short, intense bursts of energy that do not consistently raise your heart rate into the aerobics zone. Weight training can support a weight loss program by permanently raising your resting metabolic rate, according to the Valley Medical Center of Renton, Wash. A high resting metabolic rate causes your body to burn more calories 24 hours a day, simply to keep you alive. Furthermore, since many of the calories you consume will be used to repair muscle tissue that you break down during a weight training workout, fewer calories are available to be stored as fat. If you control your calorie intake and eat nutritiously, any weight gain caused by new muscle mass will be more than outweighed by the fat that you will lose. 

Meal Timing

Eating six small meals a day instead of three supports a weight training program by supplying your body with just the right amount of nutrients when it needs them, according to the American Dietetic Association. Eat slowly, so that your brain will tell your stomach it's not hungry anymore in time for you to stop eating. Eat a low-fat meal high in protein immediately after a weight-training workout.


Aerobic exercise helps you lose weight because you increase your calorie expenditure while you exercise. Select an enjoyable activity (walking, jogging, biking, yoga, dancing, swimming) that raises your heart rate to between 60 and 80 percent of its maximum, advises the Cleveland Clinic, and perform it for 30 to 60 minutes per workout, three to seven days a week. To find your approximate maximum heart rate, subtract your age from 220.

Recipe for Vegan, Gluten-free Pumpkin Lasagna

Today I am home, visiting with one of my oldest and dearest friends on the east coast near Washington DC. It's so nice being here with our new baby, in the fall season. I took a jog today to really soak up autumn-the changing and falling leaves, the cool air against my skin, and the crisp colors.

We decided to make a big feast for dinner! We made one "regular" lasagna (gluten-free and free range meat) and one DELICIOUS vegan pumpkin lasagna. here's the recipe!

for the layers:

  • *brown rice lasagna (you could use quinoa also, or any lasagna that's gluten-free)
  • *1 1/2 C Pure canned pumpkin (not pumpkin pie filling) I like Trader Joes Organic canned pumpkin
  • *for mock ricotta, see below
  • *1 egg (or egg replacer like flax and water)
  • *almond milk
  • *4 C spinach
  • *nutmeg, salt, pepper, sage to taste (i like a lot!)
  • *nutritional yeast sprinkled on top for mock parmesan
  • *cream sauce: 3 tbsp vegan butter (or regular if you don't care), 3 tbsp tapioca starch 1 1/4 almond milk

Time to play!

1. Prepare the brown rice lasagna according to the box instructions, until al dente (firm, not hard)

2. For the pumpkin sauce, mix pumpkin, egg replacer and 1/4 C almond milk. Then mix in nutmeg, salt, pepper and sage.

3. For the mock ricotta cheese:

  • ½ cup macadamia nuts
  • ½ cup almonds
  • 1 can water, or enough to cover to the level of the nuts
  • 1 teaspoon sea salt, you may want to add up to 2 more tsp
  • 3 teaspoon apple cider vinegar
  • 1 cup almonds, or up to 2 cups

Preparation for Mock Ricotta Cheese:

In your high powered blender, blend mac nuts, almonds, water, 1 tsp of salt, and apple cider vinegar. This will take about 7-8 minutes. Blend until very smooth.

Add the rest of the almonds, 1/4 c at a time, waiting until they are finely ground and fully incorporated. Taste and add more salt, if desired.

Blend until smooth, with a very slightly grainy texture (It should NOT be gritty). You may want to finish this in your food processor (unless you have a great blender).

4. Make the "cream" sauce by melting the butter on low heat. When it's melted, whisk in tapioca starch, then remove from heat. Slowly whisk in almond milk, then turn the heat back on and whisk constantly until the consistency is thickened enough to coat a spoon. (about 3-5 minutes)

5. Begin layering all the ingredients. Start with a small amount of the pumpkin sauce to layer on the casserole dish and to act as a non stick ingredient. Then add strips of lasagna. Then pumpkin sauce, then mock ricotta cheese. Add a layer of fresh spinach leaves. Then drizzle the cream sauce on top.

Repeat the layers until you reach the top of the casserole dish. Sprinkle the nutritional yeast on top for a mock parmesan flavor.

6. Bake at 400 degrees for about 30 minutes. Remove from oven, let sit for 10 minutes and serve warm.

7. Enjoy your delicious lasagna and store the leftovers or have a big meal and share with friends (with wine!!)!

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