Tag: superfood

Superfood Spotlight: Spirulina

How much do you know about the ancient green superfood with the fun-to-say name in Green Dream? To start, spirulina has been cherished for its healing properties for centuries and has been shown to help detoxify the body and defend the body against pathogensbut that’s just the tip of the iceberg! Read on for what makes spirulina one of nature’s most perfect foods + the star ingredient behind our superfood blend!

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Magical Mineral Spotlight: Magnesium

Get the facts on magnesium, the hard-working mineral that strengthens our bones, keeps our glucose and blood pressure levels in check, and builds up our proteins. And, it's not that hard to findread on to see which of your favorite superfoods are loaded with this magical mineral. 

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Philosophie vs. Other Superfood Blends

What makes Philosophie products so exceptionally unique? Check out this superfood comparison chart to discover why we're so proud of our superfood + protein blends! 

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Super Food Super Life Podcast with Sophie Jaffe: How Can We Do It All?

Curious about what inspired Sophie to create Cacao Magic or Berry Bliss? Or how she balances running the company and being a wife and mother of two? Check out Alexa Gray's Super Food Super Life podcast interview with Sophie to see her take on how we can do it all. 


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Back To School: How to keep your kids from skipping breakfast.

Back to school! Well, not quite yet (depending on what part of the country your kiddos go to school)… but it’s definitely approaching! Growing up, I never wanted breakfast before school. I just couldn’t work up an appetite that early in the morning for anything but a glass of orange juice or even (gasp) a sugar-y granola bar. Of course around 10 am this left me with a rumbling tummy!

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Supercharged Pumpkin Cacao Brownies

I've been REALLY craving something sweet the past few nights but not wanting to feel like absolute crap the next day because of that said sweet craving. These are delightful tasting, clean + actually give you ENERGY versus a tummy ache! The cacao can easily be swapped for carob and pumpkin for sweet potato. Gluten-free flours are optional. Have some fun + get creative! Be sure to share the love! 




  • 18oz organic pureed pumpkin (or you could use sweet potatoes! I would use 2-3 medium-large)
  • 2/3 C ground almonds
  • 1/2 C brown rice flour (I used 1/4 C brown rice and 1/4 C buckwheat flour)
  • 14-15 medjool dates
  • 4 T Cacao Magic
  • 3 T pure maple syrup
  • 2 pinches pink sea salt


  1. listen to Sigur Ros (just so we're on the same page)
  2. if you're using sweet potatoes or a whole pumpkin, cut into chunks and place into a steamer for about 20 min until they are soft. Once they are perfectly soft and falling apart, remove them and add to a food processor (or insert boxed/canned here) with the pitted dates.  
  3. Add remaining ingredients into a bowl, before mixing in the sweet potato/date combo. Stir well.                        
  4. Place into a lined baking dish and cook for about 20 minutes, until you can pierce the borwnie cake with a fork bringing it out dry.                                       
  5. Remove the tray and allow it to cool for 10 min, this is really vital as it needs this time to stick together! Remove the brownies from the tray, leaving it another few minutes before cutting them into squares.     
  6. Then enjoy with a glass of almond mylk (or wine, ahem) + share your pics! remember to tag @philosophiemama so we can see your gorgeous photos! xx                 



Philosophie Mama LIVE interview on GFree and Happy

Learn more about Philosophie's POWERFUL superfoods on this interview!!!!


let me know your thoughts! :)

Maca - Immune boosting adaptogen that increases energy, sexual drive, and stamina.


Maca is a plant with a radish-like root that is used as a food and for medicinal purposes. Although maca is unrelated to the ginseng family, it has been dubbed "Peruvian ginseng" because it is used as a folk remedy to increase stamina, energy, and sexual drive.

Maca improves both male and female hormone balance, supports the adrenals, increases stamina, helps with erectile dysfunction and increases sex-drive and fertility! I would start with a teaspoon a day in a smoothie and increase up to 4 teaspoons a day. Read on to read more details!!

Maca-an Adaptogen

In the 1930s, Russian scientists studying plant medicine coined the term adaptogen to refer to a plant that promoted non specific benefits to an organism while inducing NO negative side effects.

An adaptogen is a substance which raises the non-specific resistance in an organism. Adaptogens enable the body to enhance its power of resistance and adapt to external conditions. They work with the body's natural rhythms to help rebuild weak immune systems, re-mineralize poorly nourished bodies, and increase energy and endurance.

The endocrine system is a collection of glands that produce chemical "messengers" called hormones essential for normal bodily functions. A wide variety of physiological processes are carried out unconsciously by these "messengers". Once released they flow directly into the bloodstream and are transported to organs and tissues throughout the entire body.

Scientists and doctors are now finding maca to be one of the best natural ways to regulate and support endocrine health. This action regulates metabolism, energy levels, growth, sexual development and the sense of well being and attitude.

Thankfully, maca does not contain hormones itself. Instead it provides a unique set of nutrients that directly fuel the endocrine system and help the glands to produce vital hormones in precise dosages predetermined by one's own body.

Sexual drive and fertility

According to folklore, ancient Incan warriors took maca before going off to battle to make them physically strong. However, they were later prohibited from taking it, in order to protect conquered women from their heightened libidos.

One study looked at the effect of 4 months treatment with maca tablets on semen quality in nine adult men. Treatment with maca resulted in increased seminal volume, sperm count, and sperm motility. A 12-week randomized controlled trial looked at 1,500 mg maca, 3,000 mg maca, or placebo. After 8 weeks, there was an improvement in sexual desire in the men taking maca.

So why does maca feel so good?

Personally, because I eat a primarily vegan diet, my body is somewhat low in iron and B vitamins. Although I eat as many plant based foods that contain iron and B vitamins, sometimes I need to take an iron and B vitamin supplement. I find that the days I have maca I don't need to supplement with the vitamins (OR COFFEE!)  because my body feels nourished. As an adaptogen, maca works broadly to contribute to overall well being. It nourishes and calms the nerves with calcium, phosphorus, vitamins B1 and B12 , and fatty acids, all of which work beneficially on the nervous system.

I would experiment, just like any other superfood or food, and try it each day for a few weeks and see how you feel. In my experience with maca, the best way to tell if it's affecting you is to take it away after some time.

Maca comes in pill form or is ground into powder. I include maca powder in many of my own smoothies, and in those of my clients when they are doing a cleanse or raw-life experience.

*I would avoid maca if you are on birth control.

Here's a video that includes some info about maca AND a recipe to use it in! (you can add it to anything, start with 1 tsp and work your way up!)

Some philosophie superfood toddler/baby ideas!

I've had several requests to share what I feed my sweet boy(s). Leo is now 6 months old and I've started to slowly experiment with food for him. So far he's had raw zucchini and cucumber, banana (he loves!) and oatmeal with a little breastmilk and GREEN DREAM! I'm so excited to continue to explore and experiment for new Philosophie products with my sweet boys.

Here are some foods that Kai (2 1/2 years old) LOVES.

  1. Green Dream Smoothie- depends on the day but usually I do the classic recipe with almond butter, cinnamon, spinach/kale and banana. Lately I've been doing a fun tropical one with mango, pineapple, kale, coconut oil and Berry Bliss.
  2. Cacao Magic Smoothie- (just not too close to bedtime!) i always add leafy greens to this smoothie... so easy to sneak a lot in because it tastes soooo good!
  3. Goji Berries, Pumpkin seeds and Sunflower seeds as a trail mix. Great for a snack on the go. If your child is younger and doesn't have a lot of teeth, you could process in a food processor until powdery and mix with coconut oil, Berry Bliss and dates to make into a bar by pressing it into a pan and freezing.
  4. Coconut Butter, Cashew Butter and almond butter- straight from the jar! We both love sharing it that way and it makes it more fun! My favorite brand is Artisana for the butters or Garden of Life for coconut oil. These are "good fats" so don't be afraid of them! SO IMPORTANT for your growing child!
  5. Frozen lima beans, corn, peas and/or edamame- SO EASY. I just heat up on the stove top and add a little coconut oil or earth balance "butter" with a pinch of sea salt. Frozen veggies get a bad rap but according to the research I've done, most of the time organic veggies are flash frozen at their most ripe stage, preserving most nutrients. "fresh" produce, may have spend days in transit or at the store, so it isn't necessarily better for you.
  6. Fresh berries-Especially strawberries and blueberries. I just take the entire box of blueberries with us on a walk and let him hold it in the stroller... he LOVES IT. SO much fun to have it all to himself!
  7. Raw "ice cream"- I blend frozen banana with green dream powder and whatever fruit I'm in the mood for. Sometimes we do a strawberry banana with Berry Bliss powder which is great because it adds protein, most times I do a chocolate one with Cacao Magic. DEEEE-LISH!
  8. Fresh Coconut Water- he could drink 10 of these if we had them. I am going to start getting them by the case from the Thai Market in Thai Town because it's just ridiculous how many we buy one by one throughout the week.
  9. Seaweed Nori strips- sometimes we buy the unsalted large sheets, other times we do the small sheets roasted and lightly salted that come in a container. He's happy with either!
  10. Superfood Protein Truffles- recipe here! So easy, raw, vegan, gluten-free and simple to take in the car and on the go. We all gobble them up so quickly! Next time I'm going to make triple the amount and freeze them so they last longer!
  11. GREEN DREAM POPSICLES! this was a guest post/recipe from a wonderful, inspiring friend. My soul sister on the other coast! Here's the post if you want the recipe!

I'm SO excited because I finally got the courage to ask the principal to Kai's preschool if I could bring in fresh fruit and veggies and Green Dream and give them a smoothie recipe for all the kids. He eats so beautifully at home and at school it's not "bad" but definitely not superfood rich! So I'll bring some Green Dream in Monday morning and they will blend it up! I'm thrilled.

For more specific tips on sneaking healthy foods into your kids meals, see this post.

What do your kids love that you love?  What's super healthy but they beg for it and it makes you secretly smile? Please share below in the comments!


Sophie, Kai and Leo! <3


Philosophie voted "Top 50 Raw Food Blogs" for 2012!

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