Tag: nutrition

Focus Magazine November Issue Launch and Women Like Us Foundation Event

I recently had the pleasure of attending the Focus Magazine and Women Like Us Foundation Event and learned about two incredible organizations that are promoting community and helping women across the globe manifest positive change!

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Sippin' on Fresh, Raw Juice from Raw Generation

Sophie Jaffe of The Philosophie with Raw Generation Juice
There is nothing more refreshing than fresh, raw, unpasteurized juice! I recently sampled a few from Raw Generation and their flavors were just as lovely as their names!

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There's No Wrong Way to Eat A Persimmon


It's autumn and that means one thing - persimmons are back! Not only are persimmons rich in digestion-improving fiber, they can help neutralize free radicals in the body! Not sure how to eat a persimmon? No need to worry because we've got you covered.

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Philosophie is Feeling the Beets

Philosophie Loves Fall and Winter Produce: Beets

One of the best ways to ensure that you are eating the freshest and most nutrient-rich produce is to eat seasonally and the fall and winter months are most definitely root veggie season! One of my favorite root veggies is the beet because it is hearty, versatile, and offers tons of incredible health benefits.

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Sophie Talks Holistic Living with Free + Native

Sophie Jaffe Talks Holistic Living with Free + Native
Staying happy and healthy when you have an incredibly full life is all about balance and taking care of your entire self: mind, body, and soul. Free + Native is one of my favorite resources for information about wellbeing practices and holistic living, so it was an absolute pleasure to share my thoughts on the meaning of holistic health and beauty with them!

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Eat Your Colors for Vibrantly Beautiful Nutrition

Eating a diet full of fresh, whole fruits and vegetables in an array of different colors is a beautiful way to ensure that you are nourishing your body with a variety of vitamins and minerals that are essential to your health. Our guide tells you what nutrients each color group provides so that you can enjoy all the delicious benefits of tasting the rainbow.

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Nutrition tips on eating a more plant-based, vegan diet

I am not 100% vegan, but I do eat a high vegan, high plant-based diet for the nutrients it provides my body + how amazing it makes me feel! This is to help anyone trying to eat more plant-based foods so that energy is not sacrificed :) 



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In Love with Elyse Wagner's E-Guide, "Smoothie Secrets Revealed"

Several weeks ago, I chatted with Elyse Wagner of My Kitchen Shrink to discuss how to make simple but significant changes in your life by adding superfoods to your diet. Elyse is a Certified Nutritionist as well as a positive psychology professional and coach, and she has made it her mission to help others achieve healthy perspectives on food and their bodies by developing positive attitudes and behaviors around diet, nutrition and wellbeing.



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April Ab Challenge with Philosophie Mama!

Here's the April Ab Challenge! My husband and I were just doing it on our own and we've gotten so many questions and interested people that I decided to start to post about it and share the love!

I can't stress enough how important ones diet is in having flat abs. I'm asked all the time how my abs are so fit and flat and I can't say it enough times: watch what you eat. See how it affects your body. Change what doesn't feel right.

You could sit down and do thousands of situps and if you still eat unhealthy foods, you absolutely will not have a six-pack. I, be no means, have a six-pack but I am trying to take my fitness to the next level by fine-tuning my diet and focusing every single day on bringing energy to my core. I very rarely sit down and do ab exercises. Most of what I do is full body. I run, spin, jog, walk, stairs, cross-fit, insanity, yoga, Pilates and strength train with weights. I MAYBE do 15 minutes a WEEK generally on concentrated ab exercises. This is why I think it will be a difference on my body. And if not, we'll know in 30 days! :)

A LOT of our physique is absolutely genetic and past a certain point can not be manipulated. But the MAJORITY (in my opinion) is what we eat and how we work our bodies. Develop strength and flexibility around your core (stomach/abs/back) and slow down. Work your entire body- arms, legs, back muscles and glutes, because THESE exercises strengthen the core.

If you have abdominal fat, no matter how much core strength though, you will not have abs, lines, obliques. You have to change your diet and increase your energy output. You need to burn off more calories than you eat to reduce the body fat. I haven't tested my body fat for a long time Set realistic expectations. Be patient. Build up your core strength with full body exercises, strength training, cardio and to reduce body fat and feel good in your skin reduce salt, breads, soft drinks and junk. Every workout and ever clean meal is one step closer. It's a goal. You have to plan on a slow and steady progression.

My 29th Birthday is on the 30th of April and as a b-day present to MYSELF I want to have the best lookin' abs I've ever had.

Here's what we're doing:

1) NO DESSERT for the full 30 days. We both have quite the sweet tooth, so this is the biggest challenge for us. Since we both do have such a sweet tooth, we're doing our best to have really clean "desserts" with my superfoods like raw, Cacao Magic pudding with avocado and frozen banana Green Dream ice cream. It helps, big time! We're also not doing those every day because that would almost defeat the purpose :) CHALLENGE FOR YOU: give SOMETHING up that makes you feel yucky. High sodium foods, processed or excess sugar, meat, dairy, alcohol. If you really want to drop some weight and feel amazing, drop all of those things and try my 14 day cleanse. I'll be doing it later this month!

2) morning and evening ab exercises. As I said above, I rarely do specific ab exercises. So we are doing them twice a day to see if it makes a difference. Energy goes where we put it so hopefully it will!

3) 30 minutes minimum of activity every day. Work up a sweat! Take the kids to the park and PLAY with them! Go for a long hike! Turn on the music in the house and do exercises and dance while you clean!

4) we will both be doing the 5 day Philosophie Spring Cleanse on April 15th. I'm so excited: new recipes, new detox bath soak and I always feel SO good after the 5 day cleanse! here's a video explaining it: http://youtu.be/IaZ43zCe8NY JOIN US!

please share below how you're doing, what you'd like to see specifically, how I can help, how you're being challenged, what your goals are... etc! Thanks so much for reading and loving YOU! <3

Superfood Babies!!

Leo's cousin, Omri and my sister-in-love came to visit this weekend! Omri and Leo are only 7 weeks apart and soooo sweet together. Today I was making Philosophie Superfood Smoothies for the hubby, sista, Kai (my toddler) and myself and the babies WENT NUTS for it. We gave them little tastes which then turned into huge gulps. Lots of grabbing and whining for it. They were SO happy and elevated... all of us giggling, jumping, loving-- high on the superfood magic.

Here's the recipe I used (I tripled it for all of us):

  • 8 oz coconut mylk (can use almond, hemp or oat mylk)
  • 1 T Green Dream
  • 1 T Cacao Magic
  • 2 handfuls frozen organic kale
  • 2 ice cream scoops of coconut mylk Mint Chip vegan "ice cream"
  • fresh mint (about 10 leaves)
  • 1 T Cacao Nibs
  • 1 frozen banana
  • 1 T coconut oil
  • 1 T sunflower seed butter (could use any nut butter)
  • 2 handfuls of ice


In Joy....with those you love most!!!!

The Jaffe Family <3

Archives from 2018