Tag: kids

Prepping Your Kids for the New School Year

It’s no secret that kiddies ♥ summer. Who can blame them? The warm-weathered season ushers in DAYS OF RECESS, sandcastles, watermelon juice, splashing in the pool, and more time hanging with their mama + papa! Transitioning back into school therefore takes a little effort, especially for kids who don’t naturally gravitate towards classroom learning. To help your kids embrace learning + make the most of their school year, check out these tried-and-true tips!

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5 Essential Nutrients for Kids

Are your little ones getting enough of these 5 essential nutrients? Folate, magnesium, and vitamins A, D, + E are must-haves for growing bodies—check out which foods are rich in these vitamins + minerals, as well as some yummy recipes that will help your kids stay strong + healthy!

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Yoga for Kids

If practiced correctly, yoga can be done by anyoneeven kids! If you’d like to introduce your little ones to the amazing benefits of yoga, here are some of my favorite poses + playful mantras for building strength and mindfulness.

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The Way of the Soul Mama

Guest Writer Sarah Elizabeth Colburn shares why it's important to put ourselves first as mamas and ensure that our own emotional, spiritual, and physical needs are met so that we can give our very best to our little ones.

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Celebrating Tu B'Shevat: The New Year for Trees

I love finding reasons to celebrate this beautiful life and the Jewish “New Year for Trees” is a wonderful way to do just that!

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The Jaffes are In Love with "Sparrow and B" Costumes

Sophie Jaffe & Kids with Sparrow and B Costumes

If you're still looking for Halloween costumes for your kiddies, check out the beautiful and unique, handmade designs by Sparrow and B. It feels so good to know that I can give my boys costumes that they absolutely love while supporting a business that aims to bring health and happiness to children everywhere! 

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Most-Time Stay at home Mom

"Are you a stay at home mom, or do you work?" is a question commonly asked around the playground. 

I used to struggle answering and fumble around with my words.  If you're also in an undefined role relating to your kids (or anything) this may help you work it out a bit.  
"The weekends and most days after 2p I'm with the kids. And one date night. and when I go to the gym/yoga. Unless something comes up with work or I need a shower or "me" time." That's hard to explain to a complete stranger at the park. There's really not a word for what I am. 
Don't get me wrong: I'm AN AWESOME mommy. I love my kids more than anything on the planet and would give my life for them. If you asked me to jump in front of a moving vehicle for them, I wouldn't even hesitate, I would just clarify which color vehicle to throw my body in front of and I'd be off. They are my world. I ache for them when they are not beside me, which makes me adore the time we have together even more. They are my reason for living and I wouldn't be whole without them. 
Lately, I've come into a place where I feel comfortable with my answer and grounded in my unique mommy role.
My response now? "I work a few hours a day for my own company and spend the rest of the time with my kids." And that's the truth. For some reason, I felt like there was something wrong or I wasn't a good mom if I wasn't being a typical stay at home mom. (mommy guilt, anyone?) That the way I'm "supposed" to be a proper mommy; to stay home all day every day with my kids. But it's just not reality and the bottom line is it's not what makes me HAPPY. 
I am a BETTER mommy (wife, friend, sister, daughter, human) when I have ME time. When I get away from my mother role and contribute to the world in a larger way and put my energy into something that inspires me.
I go to the gym 3-4 days a week and sometimes bring the kids and put them in kids club. Other times it's my start to the day and I just go on my way to work to take a shower byMYSELF, without holding an infant or explaining to a toddler why I'm shaving that and that no, it doesn't hurt. I leave the gym feeling naturally energized and motivated to take my chaotic day on with (hopefully) grace.


 I take one evening a week for ME. Not with the hubby, just ME. Every Monday evening is Sophie night. Adi takes the kids and handles the bath and bedtime routine and my night usually consists of going to hear my favorite inspirational speaker Marianne Williamson and spending a few minutes before or afterwards at the coffee shop nearby journaling my notes and feelings. It feels GOOD to be ALIVE and a person outside of my mommy hood. Her powerful lessons and words light me up and give me inspiration for the week to come and remind me of what's truly important. As an entrepreneur and solo business owner, wife of an addiction researcher who is constantly "on" and helping his clients, a dedicated friend, sister, neighbor and citizen, I need to be lit up by others so that my flame can continue to shine bright. 
We have two nannies that work on different days, each of them averaging around 10 hours a week. I trust them incredibly and it's nice to actually know there's another person out there that can handle your children if you can't be there and loves them as if they were their own. My nanny's thank ME for their amazing work. They think of it as a pleasure to be able to be with my kids, which only further proves the saying "it takes a village". We have several backup babysitters who we know from the gym or from friends and from sittercity.com (which I highly recommend!) We keep them on our roster and reach out anytime we need 45 minutes to just run out and grab a drink together to unwind and reconnect WITHOUT children. To have adult, uninterrupted conversations. This is key for our marriage/relationship and we are consequently better parents for those little monkey's because of it. We have a set date night of EVERY SINGLE Saturday night. It forces us to go out even if we have nothing planned (i.e. would rather stay in and watch netflix in pjs eating ice cream) and see a movie or grab a bite. 
ImageImageDon't get me wrong: I am with my kids A LOT. And any less wouldn't be ok with me. I spend every single morning (sometimes 5am it begins) with my kids and take Kai to school at 8:30. I'm the one to pick him up almost every day, assuming there's no work/traffic emergency. All weekend long it's me and the boys, galavanting about. Adi works a lot so unfortunately it's usually me alone with those little rabbits. When Adi is with us it's that much more magical. I pick Kai up at 3p most days and on Friday's at noon. I'm home by 2p latest almost every day to let the nanny go so I can spend some quality alone time with Leo before picking up his big brother. Then it's madness and chaos through the afternoon (playdates, park time, library, walks, etc) until the dinnertime, bath time & bed time routine. Most of it is super high quality time because I'm not so distracted by work stuff/social etc because it's out of my system from the few hours spent before.  I used cloth diapers most of the time with the boys. I breastfed. I'm creative with them and challenge them to use their imaginations. I feed them the most beautiful food on the planet and stay updated every moment the kids are away from me. I have the babysitters/nanny's write down every single thing Leo does while I'm at work- feedings/sleeping/etc so I can feel totally tuned in when we reunite. I get frustrated. Sometimes I'm short with them or lose my temper. I make mistakes. However, I love the way we do things and feel incredibly content with the current status. My only hope is I can take maybe one more hour away from work each day and give it to Leo in the upcoming months or maybe take an entire weekday away from working in the next 6 months to spend alone with my small man. It's all a balance and it's been a fun ride figuring out what feels right for me. 
ImageThere are some women out there that are just REALLY GOOD at being a stay at home momma. I tell myself they probably have more patience and are more organized. And that's okay with me! I finally feel at peace with who I am and have settled into this role of "mostly" stay at home mommy, and I'm better for it. No more guilt! (on this topic, anyway!)


 My point? It's ok to handle things differently than the status quo. I don't consider myself to be any less of a GREAT mom because I don't spend EVERY WAKING MINUTE with my darlings. I don't judge myself for taking time to be passionate about other things in life besides my kids. And if you're a full-time working momma, kudos to you for dedicating so much effort and time to something that will make their lives better in the future. It's not easy leaving them for so many hours every single day. If you ARE a stay-at-home mom, you are a rockstar. The 100% full days I spend with my kids (Friday, Saturday, Sunday and occasionally a day during the week) I am WIPED by the end of the day. Each day is unique and beautiful and I thank God (the universe, fill in the blank) everyday for blessing me with these children and this oh so mysterious life.  

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There are some parents that are just perfectly fit to a certain way of doing things, like it's ingrained in who they are. For one of my best friends, there would be no option of her working for a single hour one day a week. For another close friend, she couldn't fathom spending time with her kids without the nanny there at the same time, just the thought overwhelms her. And all of it is perfect. Just be true to who you are and play around with different possibilities (more/less hours with a sitter/nanny/preschool/daycare/work/hobby) until you find your perfect parenting situation. Remember: parenting can exist on a spectrum, it isn't all or none. Your perfect balance is out there, just be open and flexible, honoring your truth. 


Some philosophie superfood toddler/baby ideas!

I've had several requests to share what I feed my sweet boy(s). Leo is now 6 months old and I've started to slowly experiment with food for him. So far he's had raw zucchini and cucumber, banana (he loves!) and oatmeal with a little breastmilk and GREEN DREAM! I'm so excited to continue to explore and experiment for new Philosophie products with my sweet boys.

Here are some foods that Kai (2 1/2 years old) LOVES.

  1. Green Dream Smoothie- depends on the day but usually I do the classic recipe with almond butter, cinnamon, spinach/kale and banana. Lately I've been doing a fun tropical one with mango, pineapple, kale, coconut oil and Berry Bliss.
  2. Cacao Magic Smoothie- (just not too close to bedtime!) i always add leafy greens to this smoothie... so easy to sneak a lot in because it tastes soooo good!
  3. Goji Berries, Pumpkin seeds and Sunflower seeds as a trail mix. Great for a snack on the go. If your child is younger and doesn't have a lot of teeth, you could process in a food processor until powdery and mix with coconut oil, Berry Bliss and dates to make into a bar by pressing it into a pan and freezing.
  4. Coconut Butter, Cashew Butter and almond butter- straight from the jar! We both love sharing it that way and it makes it more fun! My favorite brand is Artisana for the butters or Garden of Life for coconut oil. These are "good fats" so don't be afraid of them! SO IMPORTANT for your growing child!
  5. Frozen lima beans, corn, peas and/or edamame- SO EASY. I just heat up on the stove top and add a little coconut oil or earth balance "butter" with a pinch of sea salt. Frozen veggies get a bad rap but according to the research I've done, most of the time organic veggies are flash frozen at their most ripe stage, preserving most nutrients. "fresh" produce, may have spend days in transit or at the store, so it isn't necessarily better for you.
  6. Fresh berries-Especially strawberries and blueberries. I just take the entire box of blueberries with us on a walk and let him hold it in the stroller... he LOVES IT. SO much fun to have it all to himself!
  7. Raw "ice cream"- I blend frozen banana with green dream powder and whatever fruit I'm in the mood for. Sometimes we do a strawberry banana with Berry Bliss powder which is great because it adds protein, most times I do a chocolate one with Cacao Magic. DEEEE-LISH!
  8. Fresh Coconut Water- he could drink 10 of these if we had them. I am going to start getting them by the case from the Thai Market in Thai Town because it's just ridiculous how many we buy one by one throughout the week.
  9. Seaweed Nori strips- sometimes we buy the unsalted large sheets, other times we do the small sheets roasted and lightly salted that come in a container. He's happy with either!
  10. Superfood Protein Truffles- recipe here! So easy, raw, vegan, gluten-free and simple to take in the car and on the go. We all gobble them up so quickly! Next time I'm going to make triple the amount and freeze them so they last longer!
  11. GREEN DREAM POPSICLES! this was a guest post/recipe from a wonderful, inspiring friend. My soul sister on the other coast! Here's the post if you want the recipe!

I'm SO excited because I finally got the courage to ask the principal to Kai's preschool if I could bring in fresh fruit and veggies and Green Dream and give them a smoothie recipe for all the kids. He eats so beautifully at home and at school it's not "bad" but definitely not superfood rich! So I'll bring some Green Dream in Monday morning and they will blend it up! I'm thrilled.

For more specific tips on sneaking healthy foods into your kids meals, see this post.

What do your kids love that you love?  What's super healthy but they beg for it and it makes you secretly smile? Please share below in the comments!


Sophie, Kai and Leo! <3


Superfood Babies!!

Leo's cousin, Omri and my sister-in-love came to visit this weekend! Omri and Leo are only 7 weeks apart and soooo sweet together. Today I was making Philosophie Superfood Smoothies for the hubby, sista, Kai (my toddler) and myself and the babies WENT NUTS for it. We gave them little tastes which then turned into huge gulps. Lots of grabbing and whining for it. They were SO happy and elevated... all of us giggling, jumping, loving-- high on the superfood magic.

Here's the recipe I used (I tripled it for all of us):

  • 8 oz coconut mylk (can use almond, hemp or oat mylk)
  • 1 T Green Dream
  • 1 T Cacao Magic
  • 2 handfuls frozen organic kale
  • 2 ice cream scoops of coconut mylk Mint Chip vegan "ice cream"
  • fresh mint (about 10 leaves)
  • 1 T Cacao Nibs
  • 1 frozen banana
  • 1 T coconut oil
  • 1 T sunflower seed butter (could use any nut butter)
  • 2 handfuls of ice


In Joy....with those you love most!!!!

The Jaffe Family <3

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