Lessons I’ve Learned From Being a Mama + Mother's Day Giveaway!
Happy Mother’s Day to all the super mamas out there raising the babes—our loves and the future of our beautiful world!
In honor of motherhood, we've teamed up with a bunch of other amazing companies to give away a Wellness Bundle of Philosophie Superfoods Trio, a Neshama Project necklace, acai packs from Sambazon, Shakti juice, an Affirmat yoga mat, a Your Joyologist tote, + more! Make sure to enter for a chance to win + then read on for my lessons as a mama.
In an interview with Visual Therapy, I shared that one of the best things about being a mother is how much I learn from my two boys. Because Kai and Leo mirror everything I do, I get to see the full spectrum of my actions (from the beautiful to the not-so-beautiful), and this becomes a guiding light to help me actively work towards becoming a better person every single day.
And since I’ve become a mother, I’ve had to reflect on how to find balance and happiness for myself while doing everything within my power to help my kids grow to be healthy and happy. Here are my truths about motherhood that I think every mama should know:
You absolutely must give yourself as much self-love as you need without a grain of guilt. Until you are filled UP, you cannot give fully to your little loves, friends, husbands, and others in your life. Take long baths when the kids are asleep, drink that glass of wine, book that massage, go out with your best friend. This is okay AND necessary in order to truly be present with your babes.
Continuing to have an adult life is so important for my spirit. We don't have toys all over our living room and huge, plastic items scattered throughout our community space. The kids have a playroom for toys, and that's where they belong. I want to feel as though my home is beautiful, something I'm proud to bring friends into, and not a space that can be taken over by the baby or kid world. I also don't think you need to pause your fun, grownup life until the kids are much older. My husband and I get away about once a month for at least a night to recharge, sleep in, and reconnect. We really notice when we let that slip away, and this practice helps keep our family strong and healthy.
It TRULY takes a village to raise a child. I just left home for a ONE WEEK retreat and had almost 10 people chipping in, from my sister to babysitters to my hubby to friends from school to teachers at school. And when Kai was first born, two hospital nurses, my parents, my sister, my husband, the lactation consultant, my doula, and many others were all doing something to help Team Kai be successful. My message is this: don’t be afraid to ask for help. Let friends bring dinner. Let them help clean. Let your mom allow you to take the kids so you can take a nap and get a haircut. SAY YES to your tribe!
I had this realization in the park one day as i was juggling Baby Leo in the carrier and chasing 2-year-old Kai around: As a mother, you are off the hook. My PRIORITY now in life is that my children are HEALTHY and HAPPY. As long as both of those things are true each day, it doesn't matter what else does or doesn't get accomplished. When I realized this, I could actually breathe deeply and not feel so overwhelmed. AS LONG AS THEY ARE HEALTHY AND HAPPY, I am doing an awesome job, and everything else is extra credit :)