The Practice of Giving Thanks
Thanksgiving Day is a very special holiday for me. It’s a time to slow down, reconnect with our loved ones, and nourish our bodies and souls. It’s also a time to focus on something that is one of the most important practices in my life—the practice of gratitude.
I love that there is a day that is dedicated to focusing on the things we are thankful for. It seems like the simplest thing in the world, to spend time thinking about the blessings that are present in our lives, but the impacts of this practice are unquestionably life changing.
Just think about one thing that you are truly grateful for.
Got it?
Okay, good.
Now, what did you feel when you brought that one thing into your mind?
I’m willing to bet that you felt a positive shift somewhere inside of you. Maybe it was a sensation of warmth, a feeling of being just a little bit lighter, or maybe you even smiled.
If not, you might try thinking about something else that you are grateful for. Keep it simple. The really good cup of coffee you had this morning, your favorite song, book, or piece of art, or a pet, perhaps. Maybe even just the feeling of sitting in the sun. Really connect with the part of that experience that you appreciate and let yourself be absorbed by the feeling of gratitude.
It’s absolutely incredible that something that is so easy to do, simply thinking about the things that make our lives fuller and truly savoring the appreciation we feel for the wonderful experiences we get to enjoy in this life, can be so powerfully uplifting.
What’s even more incredible is the ways that the practice of gratitude can impact every part of your life. When you make thinking about what you are grateful for a daily practice, you begin to search for things to appreciate. Even in the most difficult parts of our lives, we can seek out something to be grateful for, and that brings the focus back to something positive. You start to notice just how many wonderful people, places, things, and experiences there actually are in your life, and you begin to feel rich in the most important ways. There is an overwhelming sense of peace and joy that envelops us when we discover the abundance that is already present in our lives and that sense of bliss can send waves of positive energy throughout all areas of your life!
Whether you are new to the practice of gratitude or it has been a daily part of your life for years, I invite you to join me in the beginning of a new year for gratitude. Let’s start today and carry a daily dedication to focusing on the things we are thankful for throughout the upcoming year!
If you want to join Sophie in the daily practice of gratitude, share the things your are thankful for on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram and be sure to tag #MyPhilosophie!