Tag: foam roller

4 Foam Rolling moves for Runners + Spinners

"OW!!!! I"M SO SORE!" Sound familiar? Do you feel like you're sore for days after a hard run or spin class? The aches + pains associated with overtraining or super hard workouts are common to all of us, but it lasting much longer than a few days doesn't have to happen to you! 

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Gaiam Yoga

People often ask me how I find the time to workout as a mother, a wife, an active part of my community, and as the founder and owner of Philosophie Superfoods. The truth is that taking care of my body by eating fresh, whole foods, including lots of nutrient-dense superfoods, and prioritizing regular workouts provides me with the strength and energy to keep up with a schedule that is packed with activities about which I am deeply passionate.

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Archives from 2018