Berry Bliss Watermelon Gazpacho

Berry Bliss Watermelon Gazpacho

Light. Fresh. Cleansing. Energizing. Fruity. Spicy. This unique recipe is so cleansing and delicious. It’s really hydrating from the watermelon, and full of lots of other fresh herbs, veggies, and Vitamin-C-rich Berry Bliss. It's perfect as a light lunch or an appetizer for a dinner party! Since it’s free of cream or any other heavy ingredients, this gazpacho leaves you feeling energized yet not weighed down at all. I had a big serving of this for lunch when I made this recipe, but it would also be great served as an appetizer. You can have fun with the garnish, adding more herbs and watermelon like I did. Seeds are also a delicious topping, and a dollop of vegan unsweetened coconut yogurt or cream would be even better! Coconut cream will make this gazpacho more decadent and fulfilling.

Depending on how you prepare it, this recipe is really customizable. Depending on your tastebuds and what you have in the fridge, you can make a lot of adjustments to this. You can even make the texture exactly how you like it. You can either make it a super smooth soup, or leave chunks of veggies (this is how I like to prepare it!). I actually didn’t have any onion when I made this, so I used a little onion powder for that same flavor. If you like a lot of onion flavor, feel free to add a whole one instead of a half. You can also add some jalapeño for an extra kick, or maybe some herbs of your choice! Feel free to make it your own! Check out this video on my YouTube channel to see me make this recipe step-by-step. Kai is literally stuffing his face watermelon seeds in the corner and it’s amazing!

Serves 4

Gather This:

  • 3 C watermelon, seeded and pureed in a blender
  • 1 C seeded tomato, diced (about 2 medium tomatoes)
  • 1 C peeled cucumber, diced
  • 1/2 C red or green bell pepper, diced
  • 2 T lime or lemon juice
  • 1 tsp minced ginger
  • 1 small handful cilantro leaves
  • 1 small handful  fresh mint
  • 1 small handful fresh basil
  • 1 T Berry Bliss superfood powder
  • 1 t sea salt
  • freshly ground pepper to taste

Do This:

  1. In a large glass bowl, combine the watermelon puree with the diced veggies + seasoning.
  2. If you want a smoother texture, you can pulse the entire soup in the blender until it’s fully liquified
  3. If you want a chunkier texture, puree half of the mixture to liquid, and then the other half of the veggies and then just pulse it in the blender.
  4. Be sure to save some watermelon for garnish :)

Watch the recipe video on our YouTube channel!

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