Our bodies host plenty of guests in the form of beneficial, healthy bacteria that live inside our digestive track and stomach. At one time or another, most people have used antibiotics, reinforcements that Western doctors prescribe to help us fight off harmful infections. Unfortunately, these drugs also wipe out the helpful organisms that play an important role in our digestive process. When this happens, you want to replenish the intestinal flora with probiotics. There are several types and fortunately you can obtain most through natural foods!
What are probiotics??
According to the World Health Organization, probiotics are live micro-organisms which when administered in adequate amounts confer a health benefit on the host1 (2001 WHO/ FAO Report).
Probiotics help intestinal bacteria perform their tasks more efficiently. They take over when your intestinal bacteria have too much work or are weakened or even destroyed by antibiotics, stress, poor nutrition or any other factors.
Where can I get Probiotics from?
For a rich, readily available source of lactobacillus, eat yogurt, preferably goat yogurt, which is easier to digest than the kind made from cow's milk. Additional sources include sauerkraut, miso, tempeh, and organic soybeans. Immediately after a course of antibiotics, you may wish to recharge your sytem with probiotics, which are found with refrigerated items in health food stores. Be sure they contain bifidobacteria, enterococci, and saccharomycese as well as lactobacillus. And always take them on an empty stomach!
Anytime my clients or friends have an upset stomach or just finish a round of antibiotics, I highly suggest Bio-K, which is available at Whole Foods and most health food stores. It's an incredible probiotic resource, with over 50 million healthy bacteria contained in one small container! Gluten-free, free of pesticides and hormones. Click on this link to order straight from their website.
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