Tag: wellbeing

Mental Health Check-In + Tools for Healing

Well-being is more than the high vibrational food we eat. It’s mental health, physical wellness, and emotional stability. There are little daily habits you can incorporate into your routine to help you check in on your mental well-being. You are never too much or not enough. We’re here to support you! We’re sharing some of our favorite tools to check in on your mental health and whole being.

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Heart of the Week: Wellness Supplements for Travel

Planning some last-minute summer vacations or family trips for the holidays? Your wellness routine doesn’t have to completely disappear while you travel. Here are my favorite healthy hacks and supplements I incorporate into my routine while traveling. All of them are portable and travel-friendly!

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Tips For Traveling With A Newborn

Traveling with a newborn is no joke. I’m so happy to be home! We had an amazing time with the family and spending days at the beach but it wasn’t easy. Here’s a few tips + tricks I learned from this journey.

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Manifesting Happiness

As humans, we’re constantly creating energy and sometimes it turns negative because of outside stressors/situations. How do we get control of this negative energy and switch it? Here are some of my emergency wellness tools.

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How To BE Love This Valentine’s Day

While some people think that Valentine’s Day is about chocolates and flowers and couples, I prefer to think of it as an excuse to put a little extra focus on love in all its forms. While receiving love from others is certainly a wonderful feeling, being love just might be twice as nice.

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How to Develop a Loving Acceptance of Your Unique Body

If the thought of beach season leaves you a little self-conscious about your body, join the crowd! There are very few people who don’t have at least a couple of insecurities about their body, but building a greater sense of body acceptance can help you feel free of self-judgment and more ready to enjoy your life during beach season and all year long!

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Sophie Talks Holistic Living with Free + Native

Sophie Jaffe Talks Holistic Living with Free + Native
Staying happy and healthy when you have an incredibly full life is all about balance and taking care of your entire self: mind, body, and soul. Free + Native is one of my favorite resources for information about wellbeing practices and holistic living, so it was an absolute pleasure to share my thoughts on the meaning of holistic health and beauty with them!

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Archives from 2018