Heart-Shaped Cacao Magic Smoothie Recipe-Philosophie

Heart-Shaped Cacao Magic Smoothie Recipe

Happy ❤️Day, loves!!

Enjoy a day filled with kisses, hugs and all the sweets with your loved ones. Single, dating, married or other today is all about the beauty and pure  m a g i c of love.


Be love today by making this blissfully loving Cacao Magic smoothie bowl. In addition to the best superfood out there, cacao, our Cacao Magic Superfood + Protein Blend and Coconut Magic Coconut Butter contain maca, a libido-enhancing root that also boosts energy + mood. So good!

When combined with a creamy nut butter, banana and chocolate bits on top, this superfood smoothie is the best way to show yourself how much love you already are!


Gather This:

1 frozen banana

1 C almond milk

1 T Cacao Magic Superfood + Protein Blend

1 T Coconut Magic Coconut Butter

1 t Ancient Nutrition Collagen

1 T nut butter of your choice

On top: Hu Kitchen, raspberries + shredded coconut

Do This:

Combine all ingredients in a blender and blend until smooth. Grab your favorite bowl or even better, a heart-shaped bowl (we love ours from Breakfast Criminals!) if you have it and add crumbled Hu Kitchen chocolate, raspberries, shredded coconut and a drizzle of Cacao Bee Honey. Sip, enjoy and fall in love!

How are you spreading the love you have today? Share your favorite love enhancing superfood creations with me on Instagram using #PhilosophieLove or #MakeEveryFoodASuperfood.

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