Heart of the Week: My Intent

Heart of the Week: My Intent

Photo: Chris Pan

I'm absolutely in love the idea behind this company. Rather than a jewelry company, they refer to themselves as an “intentions project.” The idea behind it is that you choose a word that is special to you, maybe something you want to be reminded of or work on. The bracelets are intended to last 2-3 months while you are working on your word. After the rope breaks, this means that you may be done with your current word and it’s time for a new one. You can keep the metal ring and add it to another necklace or a key chain. These wearable intentions are a “Catalyst for meaningful conversations and positive energy.” 

I chose the word “magick” because it’s really special to me. Seeing the magic around me in this crazy world we live in is my mantra. No matter what is going on, I always try to see the magic no matter what. This life is what YOU dream it to be. Your mind can trap you in a hell, or transport you to your own magical fantasy. It’s all in the way you see things, and it’s a choice. I CHOOSE to see magick everywhere, and there it is!

My Intent has been all over the news recently, and even celebrities are also making their own intention jewelry (Justin Bieber=Purpose, Rihanna=Faith, Beyoncé=Surrender). I’m wearing the cotton fixed necklace, but they sell all sorts of goodies such as beaded and metal necklaces, rings, key chains, tokens, and more. 

What’s your word? In the comments, share your word+the story behind your intention and we will pick a winner to send their very own My Intent necklace to!

To choose YOUR intent, head to their website!

Photo: Chris Pan

Comment your word+story below! Make sure to stay up to date with all things Philosophie on Instagram!

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