My beautiful, beautiful Philosophie community. If you’re logged on and reading this blog - thank you SO much. I’m so happy we could share this space together. If there’s anything you want to see more of and posts you’ve been loving lately, please let me know! Message me directly or comment below!
We’re finishing out Libra season and heading into Scorpio. The Full Moon this Wednesday, October 24th will be full of delicious, vibrant energy offering the opportunity to redefine yourself and set your life ablaze. Venus is still in retrograde until Nov. 16th, so if you still experiencing walls and boundaries to work through in your relationships take this Full Moon to bring more energy into them and connect authentically.
A Full Moon occurs when the Moon is opposite the Sun. The Full Moon occurs in the opposite zodiac sign of the Sun so while the Sun shifts to Scorpio, the Moon will rest in Taurus allowing for a full spectrum of energy to harness.
A Full Moon is a beautiful time to recharge your body, mind and spirit. The intense energy allows us to open ourselves up to breakthroughs and release anything that has left us stuck for the past few weeks allowing us to make dramatic changes and put manifestations into actions as we continue on into Scorpio season.
Prioritize or let go of certain relationships. Organize + declutter living spaces in your home. It’s time to stop being stubborn, but allow forgiveness into your heart.
Full Moon in Taurus
This Wednesday we are greeted with a beautiful Full Moon in Taurus. I’m Taurus sun and Taurus moon so I connect to this sign deeply and am able to easily tap into its intricacies. As an Earth sign, Taurus allows us to seek abundance and helps us to find our inner strength as we enter the watery landscape of Scorpio. As an Earth sign, Taurus calls us to feel grounded and stable.
You may have noticed your emotions running high the past few weeks as Venus continues to be in retrograde in Scorpio. Take the potent energy of this Full Moon to reassess your life and ask yourself where you need to let go. Ask yourself, “What do I need to feel secure?”
The Taurus energy surrounding this Full Moon wants us to fully tap into our stability, our calm and our strength. It urges us to rise up together, strong, so we can take on any chaos that comes our way. In the midst of election season, this is powerful energy to tap into.
This Full Moon is going to really punctuate the need for calm, and remind us that when we are calm, we are strong, and this strength allows us to be balanced on all levels, so we can react, respond, and receive on a higher vibrational level.
Full Moon Rituals
I always love to leave out my crystals to charge under the Full Moon. You can also fill a glass or jar with purified water and leave it out (make sure it has a lid) and allow it to charge under the Full Moon. The next day either drink it, use it wash your face or wash your crystals with it to take in this new energy.
If you want to host a moon ceremony with some of your fellow goddesses, allow yourself to fully cleanse and step into the space with Palo Santo or Sage. Use crystals and set up the space with vibrant florals. You can use our Magic Moon Satchel to help guide your ceremony and set the space.
Journal it out! Here are some prompts from this week’s Magical Monday newsletter to help guide you.
What thoughts or behaviors are your comfort zones? Positive or negative, free write about these comforts, knowing that there are many positive ones that work well for us and don't need to be changed.
In order to change, we must get comfortable being uncomfortable. What areas of your life make you uncomfortable to imagine shifting, even though you KNOW in your heart it's time to shift and change?
What fears do you have?
What would it feel like to be non-attached to these fears?
What would it feel like to step out of your comfort zones? What would it look like?
Always, always, always allow your intuition to guide you. You may want to host a solo meditation with the comfort of your home with a lit candle or you may want to host a dance party under the light of the moon. Whatever calls your heart, listen to it.
How will you be celebrating the Full Moon this Wednesday? Are there any intentions you plan to take action on? Share with me on Twitter using #PhilosophieLove!