Fall Equinox + Harvest Full Moon
Happy Equinox! ❤ Have you all felt some serious energy shifts in the air lately?
The changing season is a time of new beginnings. A fresh start. You can feel it in the air - the cooler evenings, the shortening days and the crispness. Journal out your thoughts + emotions during this season shift and write down new intentions and manifestations. Nothing is holding you back other than yourself. It’s time to go at it.
Today’s Equinox brings about deep energetic forces. Equinox is the point when the Sun crosses the equator meaning everywhere on Earth, day and night are approximately of equal length. Symbolically, it can be depicted as the point when day meets night, where opposites meet on equal ground, and where we can integrate the duality within the oneness of existence. We have been taught to honor these planetary shifts as important reflections of life. As above, so below. As within, so without.
This universe is infinitely intelligent and alive, and the significance of the Equinoxes and Solstices is a reminder of this.
No matter where our place is, we are connected by our human existence and our experience of living together on this planet. Let’s call out to our connection to our sacred Earth. Let’s put intentions into the capability to change our ways that no longer serve us. We are fully capable and able to move ahead with the strength to conquer no matter the odds. (thanks to Mystic Mamma for inspiration for these words)
We graciously leave the Virgo season and are greeted by Libra. It is a season of finding balance in ourselves and our relationships. Libra tells us to bring in equal energy to ourselves and loved ones. Most importantly, the season of Libra asks for inner peace and inner strength.
Harvest Full Moon
We finish this powerful weekend shift with a Full Moon in Aries on Monday, September 24. This moon calls out to our passions. It’s a great time to fuel your creative energy and really dig deep into your relationships.
As the first Full Moon of the Autumn season, the Harvest Moon, signifies the opportunity to reap benefits from months of your hard work. This past summer was a season of dramatic astrological happenings and wild energy shifts - between all the planetary retrogrades and eclipses, we reacted to celestially inspired chaos and changes. In olden times, the Harvest Moon was used to celebrate the bounty of a lavish farming season, in this same way, we can use this time to celebrate any changes and accomplishments personally made over the past few months.
The Full Moon in Aries allows you to tap into that steadfast ram energy in order to idealize and figure out your next plan of action. It’s a season of hustle and goddesses, you’re so ready for it.
Celebrate the Full Moon with our Magical Moon Satchel and light some Palo Santo for cleansing energy in light of this new season. I encourage you all to journal and release any words resting on our heart. You’ll never know the magic it can bring.
How are you celebrating the season shift? Let me know on Facebook using #PhilosophieLove.