We’ve got our list of New Year’s resolutions pinned up next to our vision boards, bottles of ginger green juice ready to be popped, and new yoga leggings coming in the mail. The month of January never fails to glow with promise, a fresh page for our upcoming year of change and transformation. And yet, it’s so darn easy to get wrapped up in our busy lives and lose sight of our wellness resolutions.
I’ll spiralize the zucchini tomorrow. I’ll do the boot camp next week. I’ll do that new face mask when I have more time. Not this year! Let’s stay on track together with these five tips, so that your new, healthy habits will take the priority role they deserve…
Carve out 15 minutes of "Clean Up” time. A tidy home is essential for moving efficiently throughout your day and for providing peace of mind. Nothing unravels healthy resolutions faster than a mountain of laundry (no clean barre socks), an unmade bed (less shut eye) and a kitchen with a smoothie-stained blender (no superfood parfait). To cultivate a home that’s your own private oasis where dreaming and achieving can take place, set a timer each day for 15 magical minutes of cleaning.
Keep Coconut Butter In Your Car. By storing a jar of this heavenly, filling snack in the glove department, you’ll never be hangry and succumb to the neon lights of the drive-through again. The creamy treat made of coconut meat is rich with fiber and heart-healthy fats. Pop a spoonful in your mouth if you want something sweet or need a quick energy boost. The same goes for keeping other wholesome snacks in your car — baggies of golden berries, almonds or crunchy veggie chips!
Say hello to ab vacuums. This has nothing to do with Dysons and everything to do with a strong core. While you’re sitting in traffic or waiting out a long conference call, take advantage of the opportunity to work your abs and get pumped for your workout, if it’s on your agenda later in the day. To start, inhale deeply. Then as you exhale, pull your belly button in as far as you can toward your spine, holding for about 20 seconds as you take short breaths. Repeat 5-10 times.
Practice writing in a manifestation journal. Like a gratitude journal, a manifestation-journal practice is a space for positivity, but also for manifesting that which you would like to accomplish. Begin by taking a few breaths to clear your mind. Then begin to envision something that you’d like to happen. Define everything, as if you’re directing a scene so that you know precisely how this moment looks and feels, down to all of the beautiful details. Then take 5-20 minutes to write down and capture what you are manifesting – it could be while you’re waiting for an appointment to start, for carpool to commence or dinner to be done. I highly recommend doing this with all of your healthy resolutions!
Create an "I'm in charge" charm. No need for luck, you’ve got this. Swing by your favorite boutique and select a bracelet or a ring (a piece of jewelry that you’ll look at often) or, even better, make a special piece; allow it to hold one of your intentions, resolutions or goals for the year. It’s best to assign your most challenging resolution to your charm, which will serve as a continual reminder that you have the power to create change in your life. Wear it every day, and in moments when you feel like shrugging off your resolution to default to a habit that is easier, more comfortable and less scary, take a look at your charm and remember that this is your year, your life.
Do you have a great tip for keeping your healthy NY resolutions? I'd love to hear it! Share with me on Twitter with #MyPhilosophie!