A Free-Spirited Guide to a Fit Body

A Free-Spirited Guide to a Fit Body

A super way to ignite your inner Boho while trying to get or stay fit is by doing an outside-without walls-no equipment needed-workout. You would rarely do something that doesn’t bring you joy, why would you ever put your free spirited self in a closed-in gym?  

Sophie Jaffe - yoga instructor, fitness tips for healthy balanced body

What makes exercise enjoyable to you — the freedom to do what you like when you like — may also be your downfall as you fight to follow some kind of routine. Here are some helpful hints to help reach your goals while staying aligned with your true north.
  • Go for a hike or to the beach with a friend instead of going out to lunch. Save money while being in nature + soaking up some rays.
  • Give yourself inspiring reasons to exercise. Not every workout can be epic, so remind yourself that being consistent, even if things get a little boring, will help you have more fun later. If you keep your body strong + fit, you’ll be ready for those fun + unexpected activities like cliff jumping, dancing + skiing. Here are some easy, do-anywhere-workouts to try: Philosophie Mama Fitness Videos
  • Keep having fun. If things get dull, think of what you could do to spice things up — maybe taking a scuba diving course or a pole-dancing class. As a fun-lover, your friends may look to you to come up with new ideas for being active and having fun. Use that aspect of your personality + your confidence to constantly push your boundaries.
  • Remember that the majority of what shows on the outside is what’s happening on the inside. Most important is making sure you are truly happy + doing things that bring you joy. Stay on your path of truth + remind yourself daily of your intentions.
Sophie Jaffe - yoga and fitness tips
Most of your “fitness” results happen in the kitchen, so be sure to keep Philosophie Superfoods in your travel bag so you can sprinkle some on your food while you’re on the run. Make sure you eat as many colors in the day as possible + keep trying new foods so you don’t get in a rut! The fresher, the better. Keep it simple while continuing to challenge yourself to stay out of any box. Use your inner compass to navigate what to eat when, tuning in to get the answer not falling into trend traps.
See this full article I contributed for BoHo Daily, here
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Thanks a lot Sophie for this.


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