Tag: digestion

How do I transition after the Philosophie Cleanse is complete?

Hey loves! 


Often, I am asked how clients should eat AFTER they complete the cleanse. How and what should I eat? This video will help you on your journey! 


Let us know if you have any other questions whatsoever! Leave a comment on the video if you love it :) 

Natural herbal remedies for digestion

Of the ten top selling drugs in the United States, three are specifically for indigestion and heartburn. That's because we live in a culture marked by poor diet and digestion--and the poor health and short life span that go with it.

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Natural and Healthy Lifestyle

You'll find many tips on this website for practices that can help with a healthy lifestyle, such as controlling your weight, getting exercise, eating smaller meals, reducing stress, and avoiding coffee, cigarettes, alcohol, and deep-fried or processed foods.

Natural Herbal Remedies

In addition to the healthy tips above, taking certain common, easily available herbs on a regular basis can prevent or relieve digestive problems

Peppermint has many well-documented properties; it increases healty gastric secretions, relaxes the intestines, soothes spasms settles the stomach, and alleviates gas.

[caption id="attachment_1059" align="alignleft" width="150" caption="ginger  root"][/caption]

Ginger, also extensiviely studied, has been shown to soothe the digestive lining and balance gastric juices.

Chamomile is another excellent herb for settling the stomach. You can combine these three herbs, steep them as tea, and drink it at or after mealtimes.

Dessert before dinner?? Oh My!

DESSERT FIRST! :) (don't mind if we do!) 

To promote proper digestion, here are a few food combining tips. First and foremost… dessert first! Greens, and our other savory entrées require acid for digestion, thus should be consumed after fruit, honey, or other sweets. It’s best to eat sweets 15 minutes before, or two hours after, eating savory foods.

I suggest consuming liquids 15 – 30 minutes before solids to ensure proper digestion.(If you drink water before or after eating it can dilute your digestive enzymes therefore making it potentially more difficult to digest.)

Another tip for proper digestion is to consume a digestive enzyme when eating cooked foods. A diet that consists mainly of cooked food requires the pancreas to "work overtime" and the extra effort leaves it exhausted. If the pancreas is always having to produce enzymes that could come from food it will eventually cease to function properly.

It is believed that when a person eats an enzyme-poor diet consisting of lots of cooked food, the result is illness, lowered resistance to stress and a shortened life span.

How Do You Know if You Are Lacking Enzymes?

Heartburn, gas, constipation, bloating, allergies, ulcers, lack of energy and reduced functioning of the immune system may occur when there are not enough enzymes.

Raw foods contain the natural enzymes IN the plant, so it isn't removed like with cooked foods.

I like the brands Enzymedica, Digest Gold and Jarrow brand, Jarro-Zymes Plus.

Archives from 2018