Tag: cleanse challenge

Rituals to Celebrate the Spring Equinox

On March 20th, we welcome spring here in the Northern Hemisphere with the Vernal Equinox. The shift of the season is full of meaning and potential. This is a beautiful time for setting new intentions, cleansing out aspects of your life and starting fresh. Here are ways you can tap into the energy of the Spring Equinox and Aries season for rebirth and reawakened spirit.

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Sweetness Overload // A Sneak Peak into our Cleanses

Summer is upon us and with it the season of #fit and cleanses. Pick cleanses that completely nourish your body and guide you into a balanced, healthy lifestyle like all the Philosophie cleanses. Here’s an inside look at our 10 Day Refuel Cleanse!

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Heart of the Week: Fall Equinox Cleanse + HUM Nutrition

Now that fall is upon us, we’re beginning our gentle cleanses to welcome the new energy of the season. The best part about nourishing food-based cleanses is that they naturally detoxify the body without making you feel hungry all of the time, which is super common during juice-only cleanses. Instead, you restore your body with vibrant, healing foods and supplements like Hum Nutrition that further amplify the benefits of your cleanse!

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Heart of the Week - Shape House Sweat Lodge

My amazing assistant, Taylor, and I recently visited a HEAVENLY sweat lodge in LA. It was Taylor’s first time, and she ended up loving it so much that she wanted to spotlight it as the Philosophie Heart of the Week. Read on for what to expect at a sweat lodge like Shape House + why it’s THE perfect ritual to integrate into your summer cleanse!

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Spring Cleanse Challenge #6 - Create a Morning Ritual

Our 6th Challenge of the Spring Cleanse celebrates the magic of morningswhen a new sun has risen and gifted you with a day of endless possibilities. To make the most of the hours ahead, we challenge you to establish a sacred morning ritual where you find your breath, set intentions, and begin the morning with mindfulness and calm.

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Spring Cleanse Challenge #5 - Clearing Out Paper Clutter

For Day 5 of our Spring Cleanse Challenge, we're tackling the paper clutter! Don't let your paper pile build up any further today's your chance to sort, file, and recycle away! 

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Spring Cleanse Challenge #3 - Connect with Nature

It's Day 3 of our Spring Cleanse! Today's challenge is all about taking a moment to CONNECT with nature. Whether it's a jog on the beach, a walk in the park, or stepping outside tonight to set an intention for the next moon cycle, carve out a magical time today to appreciate nature and instantly boost your mood. 

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Archives from 2018